The latest uber abuser

I'd hit it

Right in the face

Then cuntpunch

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:lol: yeah I know 20 carbon copies of this bitch. Most of them being shitskins like her. They can completely ruin their lives while drunk, but in the end it's someone else's fault. One of my best friends was hit on his motorcycle and killed by a cunt that looked JUST LIKE THIS BITCH, and acted just like her too. She maintains her "innocence" to this day, while her parents and herself go bankrupt to pay the civil suit to my friends parents.
Seriously though, what kind of chump can't restrain that minibitch with one arm while calling 911 with the other?
I usually condemn guys who knock a woman out, drive them out to a deserted warehouse, chain them to a pipe, and keep them as a sex slave for a month or two.

Then I see things like this and start to understand.
She has nudes out, 4chan had them posted. Someone has to have them saved and posted somewhere.
she a good girl. she hindu nuffin. :rofl:

edit - damn!

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