I keep telling everyone
stick to psychedelics
but no
speed speed speed
that stuff is bad for you
give you delusions of grandeur
and you end up in jail
Hundreds of Oath Keepers Have Worked for DHS, Leaked List Shows The Boogeyman Is Everywhere

...More than 300 individuals on a leaked membership list of the far-right militia group the Oath Keepers described themselves as current or former employees of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Members were employed at DHS components such as the Border Patrol, Coast Guard, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Secret Service, according to a review by the Project On Government Oversight (POGO).

It's a lucrative job
I've met a couple
you have to be an uncaring psychopath
We have an Extremist Government.

“One active law enforcement official joining a militia group is one too many,” Mike German, a former undercover FBI agent who has infiltrated white supremacist and far-right extremist groups, told POGO. “This probably represents the tip of the iceberg as far as federal law enforcement officers that have been involved in or supported the activities of far-right, militant groups like the Oath Keepers.”

Lawmakers told POGO and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), POGO’s reporting partner on this investigation, that these findings are troubling.

“Extremism within our government is always alarming, but even more so in a Department with a law enforcement and national security nexus like DHS,” said Representative Bennie Thompson (D-MS), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee and the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, in an emailed statement.
This is the guy that was blocking musk on the Twitter files
one of many that need to be fired....
Probably cael's boyfriend

Here he is speaking at a 2019 commie conference
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Meet the LSD researcher with ties to the CIAs mind control project... JFK Assassination... Timothy McVeigh, and more... - Revolver News

In case you missed it, Tucker Carlson made a big splash with his recent segment on the JFK Assassination, drawing upon new sources and information all but guaranteeing some level of CIA involvement. But if you don’t listen carefully, it is easy to miss what is perhaps the most explosive part of Tucker’s segment–the part where he talks about the CIA’s LSD researcher Louis Jolyon West and his strange role in the whole JFK saga.

Listen carefully for West’s name...

The part that makes noise is when Tucker quotes him but leaves out the word 'believe'
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Ron Paul Calls for the Abolition of the FBI

Former Congressman Ron Paul is calling for the abolition of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in light of the release of the “Twitter Files.”

In a post titled “’Twitter Files’ Make It Clear, We Must Abolish The FBI”, Paul specifically cited journalist Matt Taibbi’s recent “Twitter Files” release where he argued that Twitter was effectively an “FBI subsidiary.”...
One point that Paul called attention to was how the FBI and its partners in the administrative state were obsessed with policing content promoting satire and humor. He likened such governmental behavior to Soviet Union times, when the populace began spreading dissident content (samizdat) that ridiculed and satirized the government. One point that Paul called attention to was how the FBI and its partners in the administrative state were obsessed with policing content promoting satire and humor. He likened such governmental behavior to Soviet Union times, when the populace began spreading dissident content (samizdat) that ridiculed and satirized the government.
Glad the govt is finally doing their job infiltrating domestic far right terrorist organizations after decades of their attacks on innocent people.
Between 1994 and 2020, there were 893 terrorist attacks and plots in the United States. Overall, right-wing terrorists perpetrated the majority—57 percent—of all attacks and plots during this period, compared to 25 percent committed by left-wing terrorists, 15 percent by religious terrorists, 3 percent by ethnonationalists, and 0.7 percent by terrorists with other motives.
Back the federal blue juggs

Good listen with Hero Kyle Ripyurass talking about how the FBI tried to help in putting him away for life.
FBI R AssHol