The Drawing Thread

how much have you been charging?

Around 70-80, which would be alright if I were faster, but I'm not really. I get most of the way done in like two hours (yay!) then fiddle for like three more and go nowhere (not yay). Plus I don't get to paint that much these days so I'm actually getting worse at it.

I guess now's the time for more painting though, I just wrapped up some big stuff and I have like nothing to do (I'm just waiting for them to go live with this one, it came out kind of neat).
gj lucky and burt, you both show a lot of character in your art. one of the first thing i learned, think of where your subject was 24 hours before, and where they'll be in the next 24 hours. it might change their attire, demeanor or things they're equipped with
Ha, I just spotted the trailer I did on youtube.
It's weird, they just put it up without announcing anything.

That has to be the most work I've had to do in the shortest amount of time. They were very optimistic with their deadlines.
It's a game. I'm probably not allowed to talk about what little I've seen, but I find a bit surprising that they would just very quietly announce it, put the trailer (which I think is also the intro for the game) online and show absolutely no gameplay whatsoever.
They just did a super quick press thing on their site and that seems to be it for now.

These are the dudes that made Sang Froid, which was a pretty cool take on tower defense games, so this might also be neat.
yeah i was going to say as a teaser it's to long, as a game trailer it needs some gameplay.. and an endslate that says when/where/what.. i had to go to their website to find out it's a game and what platform and release date. great artwork, the variety there is enormous, looked like fun to make