The Drawing Thread

Dear Pyro, don't waste your time. You'll definitely be cheated.

With admiring love,

Wtf, it looks like she died in infinity.
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Some of you have way to much talent to waste your time on TW...
I am also expecting a daughter for July, I ll had to my current tatoo but I have no idea what yet...
But I'm not open for commissions at the moment, and in general I don't do tattoos because they stress me out (the whole permanent thing and all - plus it's got a whole lot of different considerations to take into account that I have no particular interest in figuring out).
Some great words there Pyro. I look at art as a journey. When i get old and grey i want to be outside oil painting, sculpting or making furniture. Stuff i havent really tried in art yet. I find it as a lifestyle of mine own and if people like it or they pay me to do something for them...well thats just awesome! :)

Oh i finished mine and working on another. Ive really been trying to work on compositions.


Captain Narwhal from Captain Narwhal and the Alien Horde, which is being developed by a friend.

It was going to be just the dude and then I kind of got carried away.

My friend convinced me to try D&D, and obviously I had to draw my character.

Clearly it could only be a dorf.
It would have been superglue if only I had known earlier. There is apparently medieval superglue you can buy, which makes d&d the best game ever. Next time I'm making a duct tape knight (unless there is no medieval duct tape, then d&d is the worst game ever).

Here's more random thingies zomg




This is what happens when I'm stuck doing 10 hour long renders all week because I keep screwing up export settings.
Here's a frame from the film that only shows up for like 2 seconds (which makes me sad because I like the angle):
Art bump.



And this is a commission of a friend's d&d character, zomg. I went over my time limit though, so that's kind of bleh. I need to get faster or charge more, but I don't want to push the price point too much. Hopefully I can cut down on time by making more like this, I am kind of rusty.
Where the heck would I find awesome illustrations to hang as decoration? I like a lot of negative space stuff or weird prespective illustrations. I think Pyros illustrations are awesome as well
pyro... have you tried out the new Mischief program? Its no photoshop yet and if photoshop releases a new version that has added the same capabilities as this then its over for mischief but...

you can fucking draw 2 warriors fighting on the strand of an eyelash of any of the characters you posted in this thread with this program.

Mischief | Sketching & Drawing & Painting Software | 61 Solutions

Just watch the video and be blown away at the possibilities.