The Death's of PC Gaming

I miss going to the old brick and mortar Egghead Software store and buying my games in big packages with cool box art, fat manuals with interesting side content and posters.

I also kind of miss flipping out when I discovered that Egghead had been replaced with an Einstein Bros. bagel shop. That's when PC gaming began to die -- when the Egghead at Woodmen was replaced with a goddamn bagel joint.
I came home from work the other day and my boys where playing pirate. They had the old cloth map that came with UO using it as thier "treasure" map. I have no idea where they found that but it brought back some memories.
I think between the mega success of CoD, Civ5, LoL, and all Valve and Blizzard games current or around the corner PC gaming is doing just fine.

I'm looking forward to the progression of Starcraft 2 as an eSport and global phenomenal. Also, BRINK looks hawt :sunny:
the other reason PC gaming may appear less popular is actually due to higher replay value... meaning that a typical pc gamer will pick 1 or 2 games and play the shit out of them for months or even years.

while with most console games you play through after a few days or weeks and move on to the next one resulting in far more games purchased.

i'd be curious to see how hours played compares between the two... or revenue realized from any monthly fees.
until I can do things on a Console like Upgrade Hardware, use Photoshop, upload files, send emails, and create spreadsheets, I will be using the PC
fuck game consoles

id rather play games on a PC that can do tons of other shit and can expand parts n shit n like

ya kno
i'd say the future of PC gaming will revolve around free-to-play games.

nothing to pirate, micro-transactions for profit. also allows game makers to follow a sane dev cycle (iterating over the product) instead of months of crunch time and broken spirits.
ya im really feelin the f2p model myself. its win win for both sides and allows mind share to grow at a superior rate.

the challenge is to have enticing enough purchasable content without spoiling the game. league of legends does an excellent job with this.
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I know, and to think that at its inception everyone used to call it steam as in steaming pile of shit.

I remember seeing the threads on it, and the odd bastardisation of their logo. Didn't sign up for the service until this year, but now I'm sold on the sales and glad I missed out on the teething pains.
This was a pretty interesting write-up: Kotaku, the Gamer
1) Console manufacturers (most importantly Microsoft) have a vested interest in killing PC gaming, since they get *way* more royalties on each console game sold (as opposed to nothing on most PC game sales).

While this does make sense - Microsoft is actually trying to make PC gaming more closed like it is on consoles, from what I can tell. They were in the middle of a major PC gaming reboot that people are going to be hearing a lot about over the next year.
While this does make sense - Microsoft is actually trying to make PC gaming more closed like it is on consoles, from what I can tell. They were in the middle of a major PC gaming reboot that people are going to be hearing a lot about over the next year.

live part 2? What a piece of shit that was
if pc gaming ever dies I just might off myself.

Well, not really, but it is one of my favorite hobbies/time wasters. Reading, college football and basketball, fucking, pc gaming - done.
I miss going to the old brick and mortar Egghead Software store and buying my games in big packages with cool box art, fat manuals with interesting side content and posters.


Egghead was my favorite store growing up.

My family would go eat at this place (I only remember phonetically - don't actually know what it was called) "Ma cheese O' Mouse" - which was a little Spanish food bistro cafe thingy. Very modern. Very good. After, we would always go to the music store which share a wall with the diner, and then at some point me, one of my brothers, and dad would skip out and go to Egghead, which shared the other wall with the diner.

Good times. None of those exist anymore. Now it is B&N, and other crap has come into the area like Macaroni Grill.
A few things consoles need and i wont give a fuck if the PC's die:

- native support for any resolution, whether 16x9 or 16x10 with high AA and AF.
- keyboard and mouse support for all games fully customizable
- voice chat as good as ventrilo

Thats it.. and i'll be happy.