The Death's of PC Gaming

Uhhh what

EA and Activision are going pretty fucking strong

I disagree with your post completely ;o I don't see many companies dying a "slow, pitiful death", unless they've put out shit products, and the ones that do, it has 0% to do with "abandoning its gaming roots"

no, EA and activision are not game companies, they purchase game companies that are successful, squeeze every $ out of them, and spit them out.

some titles they can squeeze $ out of for a long time, like madden/etc, because its easy and because people are dumb enough to buy the same fuckin game every year.
I will not buy any more PC Games that are not released steam unless a niche simulator type game comes rolling around that really interests me.
Pretty soon it's gonna be virtual reality anyway. If you think people are addicted to games now like WoW just wait until that happens.
I will not buy any more PC Games that are not released steam unless a niche simulator type game comes rolling around that really interests me.

I'll still buy blizzard games, but their stuff is all cloud based as well so it isn't too bad. But pretty much if I can't get it on steam then I don't get it at all.