Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles reminder 8pm EST tonight

The main point is fitting this into the time line.
John Connor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The rest of the series could be canned because all it talks about is the terminator in the first episode who tries to kill John in the classroom. The rest is just the sub plot on the building of Cyberdine.

its after 2 and before 3 I don't see how hard that was

and cyberdyne was already blown up, its the building of sky net that is happening
i cant believe people go into these show and shit all over some classic! good work fox at milking stuff.

(how those this show fits in the series, it doesn't make any sense)

And don't get me started on this terminator chick WTF!

she might be hot but darn she is not a robot!
Mrs. Connor & the robot chick are hot as fuck, and deserve our watchitude, until the story just becomes lame as shit.
Just finished watching the first 6 episodes

i thought it'd be stupid but i actually sorta like it

plus river tam is a badass
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ok i like this series...but the last episode had a very akward scene... where the old fiance goes into the garage where the terminator chick is burning the other terminator. The dude's acting was pretty awful.
Just finished watching the first 6 episodes

i thought it'd be stupid but i actually sorta like it

plus river tam is a badass

Thumbs up for River Tam alone! :bigthumb:

Sarah is also very cool. :cool:

I really like the show. Just watched them all straight through. I hope they come back soon :rocker: