Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles reminder 8pm EST tonight


Veteran XV
edit- looks like regular time is now 9pm on mondays on fox

hope it doesn't blow
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i'm guessing they filmed this a year or two ago and didnt air it b/c it was so shitty, but now, they want to show it so people will realize that some writers fucking suck and the writers strike is stuipd

i think
This show eats my cock. Sarah Conner is hot and is too motherly. The T-100's act too human. The girl terminator laughed. Fuck this show.
An animated tie-in (currently called Termination) is also planned, with a release scheduled for sometime after the new film hits cinemas in late summer 2009. The show will feature a number of short animated features from different areas of the Terminator universe.

They're going to milk the Terminator franchise for everything it's got.