[TARGET] It's me

why would a religion have confidential documents

"hey heres a bible"

"but dont look in titus, jude, or genesis or we will sue you"
I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I broke into some kid's house when I was 13 and stole a bunch of shit and got arrested for it. I don't have insurance on my car. I have a shit load of credit card debt, and owe VW credit $7000 for a car that got repossessed.

I don't know if you count those as crimes, but that's about it.

Oh, and I got busted for driving with a suspended license.
I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I broke into some kid's house when I was 13 and stole a bunch of shit and got arrested for it. I don't have insurance on my car. I have a shit load of credit card debt, and owe VW credit $7000 for a car that got repossessed.

I don't know if you count those as crimes, but that's about it.

Oh, and I got busted for driving with a suspended license.

I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I broke into some kid's house when I was 13 and stole a bunch of shit and got arrested for it. I don't have insurance on my car. I have a shit load of credit card debt, and owe VW credit $7000 for a car that got repossessed.

I don't know if you count those as crimes, but that's about it.

Oh, and I got busted for driving with a suspended license.

I had an overdue library book once.
What level of hell is that gonna get me?
is it not obvious to you that you're in debt and can't afford insurance partly because youre donating thousands to a corrupt leech of an organization?
i received a citation from the police for exceeding the speed limit on a rollerracer


also, i stole a pair of those cheesy rental bowling shoes from a bowling alley... they were like brand new and they were velcro instead of laces
is it not obvious to you that you're in debt and can't afford insurance partly because youre donating thousands to a corrupt leech of an organization?

:lol: I'm in debt because of credit cards, and my NOT paying them. And you seem to be making an awful lot of assumptions about how much I seem to be donating to the church.
dodged the subject

is that in the information that has been released to you

or is it still confidential
dodged the subject

is that in the information that has been released to you

or is it still confidential

Seriously, what the fuck are you talking about. Maybe I'd give you a straight answer if you gave me a straight question.
:lol: I'm in debt because of credit cards, and my NOT paying them. And you seem to be making an awful lot of assumptions about how much I seem to be donating to the church.

i recall a past thread where you posted the very amount you had donated to the church

btw its all semantics, you really can't figure out why you aren't paying the credit cards?

point me where i'm making any faulty assumptions please, scientologist
daerid, how can you possibly find it ok to be required to donate money

do you also think its alright to hold spiritual information confidential, especially when it is information concerning the faith system's theory to the origin of life?

i know you've done some "programs" before, what kind of stuff have you tried? i only know the basic shit you hear and see about in TV, like holding onto that "thetan-ometer" with your hands, or going into a closet and writing, or going outside and getting cognitions

have you done any of that?