[tablet thread] what the fuck to do with one


Veteran X
So I have had my ipad 2 for over a year now and am struggling to try and make the best of it, but it's almost impossible without jail breaking it.

Current uses:
Browsing Internet
Shitty games
Connected to my Synology NAS through officially released apps (add/download torrents, file browser, NAS manager)
Xbmc remote

Shit I don't do:
Check and write email (it's a fucking pain and the default mail client blows ass)
Use any native apple apps (calendar, note, clock, etc)

Does anyone store all their music on their tablet as well?

I am just looking to see what other cool shit people use their tablet for besides Internet browsing

Also I have no pc so the ipad is alls I gots
They are kind of convenient for reading pdfs/watching videos (say educational ones where having a pristine big screen isn't necessary). Not so bad for media consumption.

But unless you do that a lot, there ain't a huge point to them. (I have a kindle fire which is small enough to be really convenient...never had a bigger tablet.)
dont' have any apple shit but have a few android tablets.

mostly same shit as you. Roku remote, xbmc remote, web browsing, watching movies on planes, games, that's about it.

edit: ebooks, lots of ebooks.

course it's android, so everything is free, which probably matters.
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if you like comic books, download comixology.
netfllix is also good.
I check the news and weather each morning as it's easier to use on the go or while I eat breakfast than looking at my desktop.
I only bought one because I'm on a shuttle for 1.5 hours a day and I watch tv and movies on it
get a nas

get 8 player

get a redbox or netflix subscription

get the following software

rip the fuck out of some blue rays and create a digital library you can stream to you pad from anywhere in your house.
i got my wife a nexus 7 knowing full well she wouldn't use it nearly as much as she thought she would, and she doesn't

i never even wanted a tablet because i knew i wouldn't use it

if someone gave me one for free i would probably try and mount it in my car or something. i could see that being kind of cool.
if you can't figure out a couple of uses for a handheld device that has access to the internet, can stream movies, music, games. can be hacked for even more features. you have worse issues to deal with than figuring out what to do with your magic abacus.
^ that - I want to want a tablet, but it'd be just one more thing to keep charged and updated, and for me doesn't replace anything or offer anything new.
I use my computer and my laptop for work crap, I bought an IPad as something I could use for personal things. It works for me