[sweet politics] i was wrong on iraq, and wrong on john kerry - bush

Yeah yeah the dems are owned!


Just because you say Kerry is an "empty suit" 300 times with your buddies doesnt make it true. Bush is waaaaaaaaay the fuck more of a tool then kerry could ever be.


1. Bush is not smart, he is obviously being controlled by those around him
2. Bush is not a good politician, even with people telling him what to do his own personality compels him to fuck up speech after speech for 4 years
3. Kerry spent over 20 years getting to know how the system works as a senator, JUST THIS EXPERIENCE VALIDATES HIS CANDIDACY MORE BUSHS (with those 4 years in office)
4. Bush, as the incumbent, has to prove that he came through on his promises in 2000. The one big thing I remember was that he was supposed to be a "great uniter", fuck that, he has been the great divider and war bringer.

It is time for a change, and any rational person will vote against bush. It will be interesting to see if there will be a majority of rational people who come out this year.

of course the voting machines (whcih have been proven to be unreliable) will be used this year, so it probably doesnt even matter. I am glad the UN will be looking over our shoulders, so that if Florida2000 kind of shit happens again the dems will go down fighting.

(PS i am a registered republican)

Gallium said:
Yeah yeah the dems are owned!


Just because you say Kerry is an "empty suit" 300 times with your buddies doesnt make it true. Bush is waaaaaaaaay the fuck more of a tool then kerry could ever be.


1. Bush is not smart, he is obviously being controlled by those around him
2. Bush is not a good politician, even with people telling him what to do his own personality compels him to fuck up speech after speech for 4 years
3. Kerry spent over 20 years getting to know how the system works as a senator, JUST THIS EXPERIENCE VALIDATES HIS CANDIDACY MORE BUSHS (with those 4 years in office)
4. Bush, as the incumbent, has to prove that he came through on his promises in 2000. The one big thing I remember was that he was supposed to be a "great uniter", fuck that, he has been the great divider and war bringer.

It is time for a change, and any rational person will vote against bush. It will be interesting to see if there will be a majority of rational people who come out this year.

of course the voting machines (whcih have been proven to be unreliable) will be used this year, so it probably doesnt even matter. I am glad the UN will be looking over our shoulders, so that if Florida2000 kind of shit happens again the dems will go down fighting.

(PS i am a registered republican)


Did I say he was an empty suit? Do I like Kerry? No sure dont. Do I like Bush, no sir.

Sorry it has seemed to me for some time that the Republicans are running a much better campaign than Kerry.

You say Kerry has ALL this experience? Then why are they focusing so much on his damn time in Vietnam? Even people voting for Bush feel he has done a sub par job in office. The democrats have done little to try and show the voters on the fence(me) that they should vote for Kerry. The two things I hear TIME AND TIME AGAIN. Kerry earned a purple heart 30+ years ago, and he is not Bush.

I am not going to make my final decisions until after the debates. I get side by side comparisons then, although I would like to see Nader there as well.
Well, a lot of america dislikes bush, yet he is doing very well in the polls. the democrats SHOULD be winning easily, but kerry, or someone, is screwing up badly.

ex: democratic convention - bush wasnt even involved! - caused kerry's rating to go down.
Gallium said:
1. Bush is not smart, he is obviously being controlled by those around him
Can you point out some of those "obvious" things? Seems to me his subordinates are doing what he tells them to, not the other way around.
2. Bush is not a good politician, even with people telling him what to do his own personality compels him to fuck up speech after speech for 4 years.
Bush's malapropisms really can't be argued, but I'd take a guy that occasionally gets tongue-tied over a guy that can't get his facts straight any day of the week.
3. Kerry spent over 20 years getting to know how the system works as a senator, JUST THIS EXPERIENCE VALIDATES HIS CANDIDACY MORE BUSHS (with those 4 years in office)
I've checked those 20 years of experience, and find him lacking.
4. Bush, as the incumbent, has to prove that he came through on his promises in 2000. The one big thing I remember was that he was supposed to be a "great uniter", fuck that, he has been the great divider and war bringer.
Promised lower taxes, check. Promised education reform, check. Promised healthcare reform, check. Seems to me he's met several of his campaign promises. Of course, any sitting President might have to change his priorities when his country comes under attack...unless you're Clinton.

It is time for a change, and any rational person will vote against bush. It will be interesting to see if there will be a majority of rational people who come out this year.
So a "rational" person is going to vote for Kerry? Puh-lease!

of course the voting machines (whcih have been proven to be unreliable) will be used this year, so it probably doesnt even matter. I am glad the UN will be looking over our shoulders, so that if Florida2000 kind of shit happens again the dems will go down fighting.
Most states won't be using the voting machines due to security concerns and having the UN "looking over our shoulders" is the stupidest idea the Libs have come up with yet. (Makes me ashamed to be from TX...) That "Florida2000 kind of shit" the Dems keep bringing up and bringing up and bringing up did nothing but expose the flaws in the Electoral College (which everyone already knew were there). Give me a break! If Gore had his way, Florida would still be recounting votes and he STILL WOULD HAVE LOST.

(PS i am a registered republican)
And a closet Liberal.
Doc Holliday said:
Yes because its always good for the President of the most powerfull nation into the world to admit he or his administration fucked up. Thats a good way to undermine your authority along with weaken the strength of the Presidency.

Yes, any good leader takes accountability for the fuck ups of his administration. Good leaders will never blame anyone but themselves.
I never get involved in political threads, I tend to have foot in mouth disorder when it comes to them, however, from what I believe I don't think either Bush or Kerry want to have anything to do with that Verterans society. And Bush had nothing to do with it's funding.

Veteran's societies like that hurt everyone, not just one side. Both sides would like for it to subside.
People who call Kerry a flip flop need to realise that being a flip flop and changing your mind due to facts are two very diffrent things, and what Kerry is doing is changing his mind due to new facts. Being a stubborn person is just proving your ignorance (Bush)
Gallium said:
Hey look it's Gort!

Gort like's to blind himself with propganda!

Go Gort Go!
and your spoon-fed liberal talking points are any different?

(I don't care if you're a republican. Meaningless.)
Ratbert90 said:
People who call Kerry a flip flop need to realise that being a flip flop and changing your mind due to facts are two very diffrent things, and what Kerry is doing is changing his mind due to new facts. Being a stubborn person is just proving your ignorance (Bush)

That's just idiotic, he changes his opinion weekly depending on who is audience is. I call that lying.
TF_Baxter said:
That's just idiotic, he changes his opinion weekly depending on who is audience is. I call that lying.

Or he isn't a stuborn ass hole like Bush and actually does read the facts. Why CAN'T HE just read the facts and new findings by the scientific community and change his opinion. It's like people saying eggs are bad for you, and then saying they aren't. If you go along with whatever the findings are at the time, you aren't a flip flop, you are being smart.
so telling people what they want to hear is using facts and responding appropriately

I guess that's technically true
Kerry DOES change his stance on a regular basis. Although, you actually need to SHOW UP and VOTE to really flip-flop. Kerry apparently also doesnt like to go to work.