Stuck at Vael

FalseMyrmidon said:
Eh, I manage to pull off 450 dps by spamming execute every 3 or 4 seconds instead of every time it's up and not pulling aggro.
The average dagger rogue can do nearly twice that during the vael fight.
Krius said:
I get 500+ dps with just S&D and Blade fury, leaving out the fact that I can spam backstab.

A warrior wont beat any good rogue on that fight, thats for sure. We have cooldown on our instants, you guys dont.
i dunno if this really goes w/o saying or what, but i haven't seen it mentioned. when my guild was first trying the fight, greater fire resist pots helped a ton. we'd usually give 3 to each priest and 1 to the dps. dps would save their pots for when their priests died, so they'd have a short extra bit of time to dps. priests would pop their pots as a means of avoiding interruption, so they could get out extra spot heals on groups whose priests had already died

as one of the guides said, we would have shaman strictly healing the mt. they were only in their groups for fr totem. since we only ever had 1 or 2 druids per raid, they would basically just drop HoT's on the dps. they didn't focus much on mt's like the guides said. priests obviously group healed and spot healed.

it's been a few months since i stopped playing, so i don't know if they still use so many fr pots, though i doubt it. as you learn the fight, it gets a lot easier, and like ppl said, the mt transitions are the most important part, but in learning the fight, the extra padding from having fr pots helped out. at least as a priest, i was able to pay more attention to groups other than my own to keep up dps when other priests got ba'd, which added to overall dps and everything
Vael's pretty mean. It helps to take a lot of Priests, Warriors, and Rogues.

Raid composition isn't a joke on him. We've had a low # of Rogues logging in for BWL lately, and he's gotten harder without them. :(
My guild has been in BWL for about 6 weeks now, and we have our tank transitions down.. but the bad thing about this boss is that a bad set of BA's can wipe you no matter how good you are. If all the healing gets dead, you're wiping.

Even the biggest raiding guilds on my server (Kel'Thuzad) wipe now and again on Vael. It's really at least half luck.

Greater Fire Resist pots are very helpful and we usually have people use one for this fight. It helps on interrupts and makes things a little easier for your healing at the start. Make sure your priests are fading on every transition, hunters feigning, and rogues vanishing.

i dunno using pots would be expensive and they wouldn't last very long, best to have the FR, i'm at 202 unbuffed at vael and the fire dmg i take is nothing a renew/rejuv can take care of.

that said i think the fight comes down to everything they already mentioned, tank transitions and rogue dmg output. it's hard for your rogues to find a pace/attack sequence to maximize their dps and not pull agro, but once they do the fight is a lot easier
It's not just rogues, all your classes should be going for as much dps as possible without sacrificing too much FR. That's why the fire pots come in kind of handy.

Potions are a lot less of a headache with the heart of fire transmute - I'm FR-pot-bitch for my guild and if you just have everyone send you all the hearts of fires, then transmute them and mix potions before each raid, you're going to find that the dreamfoil is what holds you up. We consistently have 100 pots per run. But, they are a bit of a crutch - so if you can get good DPS without taking off too much FR, by all means go for it.

Potions can help you beat the encounter. It's like the BRS fire buff. You need to learn how to do it without them though. No encounter in BWL requires consumables. I don't think Blizzard wants them to be requirements.