[Stonks] When will the bloodshed end?

When I bought Tesla stock I studied it and waited a couple years before I thought the timing was right. Billion dollar hedge funds were shorting it but I had faith Elon could pull it off.

The hard part is not selling it, but then I would have to pay taxes on it. Fuck that, I'd rather be buried with it. The other hard part is not watching the daily rollercoaster ride, because it can gain or lose more than I invested in the first place.
BTW, is the doge ready for another ride? I'm thinking of buying the dip. Did it dip enough or is it still going down
I hope that whatever timothy mcveigh thing you have planned with your kkk friends will not involve me
I sold off through covid, bought back in after the big dip and was all happy. Stonks have spiralled since and I recently realised I would be down $300k if I sold off now

looks like an early retirement is not happening :(
Stonks were a mistake, even BTC is holding value better.

oh well, can't complain too much cashed out some of my cryptos last year.
Ironically though, inflation is fucking me up now (so complaining still :D ).
Taking a chance, but sold off half my stock and reinvested in the Amazon dip. I think it will recover by end of year due to stock split increasing buyers pool and stronger sales in the second half among other things.

This is my play money/savings so can make riskier plays with it.
man amazon dip is lol watch it fucking tank right before the split so everyone buying now gets screwed so badly lol
I think we're looking at a repeat of 00-03 and 07-09 here... basically a 50% drop from the highs over the next 2 years. :shrug:
this thred sure less popular lately ;)

u nigs need to short shit mor, its teh only way to fly :dapimp:

... like captain cuckerberg and his metaverse whale. tho it prob dropped enuf already
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I only own 1 stock now after selling everything off in February. Wish, I'd sold in August. But whatever, I needed the money. Bico Group is the name of the company I own. It's a long term investment for me.
is that some swedish thing?

btw MMAT only stock im buy on, som nanomaterialsomethin musk has a boner for...

then again musk kinda known to troll stonks/crypto/etc so :shrug:
I dont buy individual stocks, I just invest in full market cap etfs with essentially no management fees. Feels pretty good to be buying at a discount for the last while