

Veteran XX
Thinking of investing in a few stocks.

Whats a good website to open an account with? Looks like Scottrade wants $500 to start.. anything cheaper or is scottrade worth it?

im a noob at the monies
Thought you were talking about


you want to invest money in the market but want to invest less than 500?


you'll be paying 1%+ in trading fees every trade you make with only $500; id save up a bit more before you plan to invest in individual stocks. I'd advise opening an account with someone like vanguard and investing in a mutual fund to start with (which also have fees, but are actively managed). If you're intent on owning individual stocks, zecco is a decent enough company with cheap trading fees. If you want more active tools at your disposal, e*trade is what many on tw use.
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hmm, etrade might be good.

I dont plan on day trading.. mostly just getting a few stocks in companies I think are going to jump and then sell in a few months.

Dont plan on spending that much time on the site etc.
find penny stocks, or something sub $8.00

find an industry that excites you, read about that industry, find up and coming companies that various literature/outlets talk about, research the stock, and make a purchase

i use fidelity trader
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