I have yet to chicken dinner. I did get like a four kill a couple of matches ago. Looking for friends, add me on Steam. I'm Gryp in the TW group.

white duznt stand out as good as yellow tho
Someone on reddit did the math, and it's better to sell unopened crates and just buy whatever item you want off the steam store.
I finished second twice tonight. Yet to win. I screwed up and switched to my SMG as a guy crested a hill right next to me..........I forgot to put it in full auto and only pulled the trigger once. Ugh.
You'll eventually see blatant cheaters that are named a string of numbers and letters, who mow down people from across the map through the ground. Others are harder to spot, but with kill cam you can spot them following you through walls outside of audio or visual range, if their reticle snaps or stutters around as they aim, etc. I had one guy who killed two other people in my kill cam with 8x head shots, each about 40 degrees apart. His view snapped directly to each of us over distances.
if the walls dont load in for you, you can just walk through them and shoot through them. its a pretty terrible known bug.

This was a good 30s-1m into the game. Not sure how they'd still be loading.
It's happened to me a couple of times. When it does I just hide till everything sorts itself out. Fair play and all. The more you play the more weird shit you will see. While hacking is a problem not everyone is hacking.
Lifehack: The hippie van on the desert map drives a lot better off road and even faster sometimes with one of the front tires shot out.
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