starcraft 2 is going to be amazing

The hype is strong in this thread.

very much so

Starcraft II, I needs it....

I also need a functioning desktop. My friend last november and I still haven't been able to fix it. I think it needs a new motherboard, but I'm unsure...

yeah i'm waiting to upgrade until i can get a feel for what i'll need. also i'll be able to get more for less the longer i wait to upgrade.

also: it makes me feel like a consumer whore, and i know it is the primary goal of having blizzcon being sponsored by accessory companies, but after playing SC2 for 2 days with a bunch of logitech/razer equipment (kb/mouse/headphones) it really make me realize that i have ghetto stuff. the G15 felt really great even though i dont give a shit about all the extra buttons and the screen.
i've never played starcraft. am i missing out?

you'd never guess based on my fanboy-ism, but i never played it before march of this year.

the SP doesn't really hold up nowadays, but the MP is crazy balanced and fun to play with friends.
Yea, and only with friends... Or else you start playing a map, pump out a couple marines, and by that time your opponent has three bases twice the size of yours and is maxed out on pop limit about to bring the hurt on you.
like any blizzard game.. just wake me up when its live... then ill probably buy it... until then its just a dream.
consoles are becoming more and more like pcs so i dont think it makes a difference anymore. its really just a matter of input method.
will be annoying having another steam type application running on my rules everything around me
Wow another extremely optimistic view on gaming.

The only reason publishers are backing consoles is because they make money right? Well when publishers see how much SC2 is going to sell they will realize "hey! if we make a really good PC game it will sell!". This is what I think is going to happen.
yeah i'm waiting to upgrade until i can get a feel for what i'll need. also i'll be able to get more for less the longer i wait to upgrade.

also: it makes me feel like a consumer whore, and i know it is the primary goal of having blizzcon being sponsored by accessory companies, but after playing SC2 for 2 days with a bunch of logitech/razer equipment (kb/mouse/headphones) it really make me realize that i have ghetto stuff. the G15 felt really great even though i dont give a shit about all the extra buttons and the screen.

From what I've seen, you'll be able to play at least near max settings with a quad core system, 4GB RAM, and an 8800GTS.

I'd probably suggest upgrading the video card a bit, but you could easily get away with a Phenom II system and a GTX260 and play it at bitchin settings.
From what I've seen, you'll be able to play at least near max settings with a quad core system, 4GB RAM, and an 8800GTS.

I'd probably suggest upgrading the video card a bit, but you could easily get away with a Phenom II system and a GTX260 and play it at bitchin settings.

even the computers they had in the press area had significant framerate drop if you zoomed in (mousewheel)

so obviously they still have some work to do on performance.

no idea what kinda hardware they had, but you'd think it would be top of the line in order to give a good impression to players
even the computers they had in the press area had significant framerate drop if you zoomed in (mousewheel)

so obviously they still have some work to do on performance.

no idea what kinda hardware they had, but you'd think it would be top of the line in order to give a good impression to players

mouse wheel zooms still suck on a new system while playing an intense game of Warcraft III. I wouldn't base the requirements on framerate drops when zooming, especially since nobody in their right mind would actually use that feature during a game.
I doubt the game will require the hardware people are suggesting here. A GTX260? lol.

Blizzard don't make games that require crazy top-of-the-line systems - WoW is the obvious example. They're not trying to make the Crysis of the RTS genre. They're here to make money.
The only reason publishers are backing consoles is because they make money right? Well when publishers see how much SC2 is going to sell they will realize "hey! if we make a really good PC game it will sell!". This is what I think is going to happen.

if that's the case publishers should be backing any decent mmo out there instead of console games

not including sales/expansions (which is tons of $ right there), the monthly revenue for wow is astounding
haha yeah , zooming is a bit redundant , but i guess it could come in handy if your opponent is obsfuscating your units.
Also, Tricia Helfer will be doing the voice-over work for Kerrigan (Zerg Queen) - I must have missed something when I played through the original Starcraft so long ago, because all the comments here are lamenting the fact it won't be the original voice-over person.

Hell, it's not like it's Kane from C&C - one guy even says that this small issue alone is enough for him not to buy the game. Fucking weirdoes.
I doubt the game will require the hardware people are suggesting here. A GTX260? lol.

Blizzard don't make games that require crazy top-of-the-line systems - WoW is the obvious example. They're not trying to make the Crysis of the RTS genre. They're here to make money.

I was suggesting a gtx260 for someone building a brand new system.

I'm not going to tell someone to buy an 8800GT for their new gaming rig when the card is 3 years old already. It doesn't matter if it'll play SC2 nearly flawlessly. It's old.
I was suggesting a gtx260 for someone building a brand new system.

I'm not going to tell someone to buy an 8800GT for their new gaming rig when the card is 3 years old already. It doesn't matter if it'll play SC2 nearly flawlessly. It's old.

True, fair enough :)