[star wars] The Last Fuckin Jedi [box of words] [$$billion$$]

y do peopl hate rogue one I thought it was awesome
and everybody died

For some reason you aren't allowed to like or enjoy things anymore, everything must be hated because it doesn't fit exactly into peoples preconceived notions of how things ought to be which are absurd and impossible to standards in the first place.
y do peopl hate rogue one I thought it was awesome
and everybody died

It could have been good if it had been all about Darth Vader being the ultimate feared villain of the galaxy with the backdrop of a gritty saving private ryan sub-plot. But they couldn't make that movie because Disney doesn't want to make little kids cry when they see someone walking around Disneyland as Darth Vader.

What they should have done is re-purposed this book which at one time was in consideration for the sequel to Star Wars and made it the Rogue One movie.


You substitute Luke and Leia for new characters, more or less a movie about being hunted down by Darth Vader.

Instead they only had a 30 second clip of Vader being Darth fucking Vader and that was a last minute reshoot addition. I mean WTF.
y do people hate rogue one I thought it was awesome
and everybody died
none of the characters were the least bit likable...oh except the droid. tonally it was also a mess with the edits.
For some reason you aren't allowed to like or enjoy things anymore, everything must be hated because it doesn't fit exactly into peoples preconceived notions of how things ought to be which are absurd and impossible to standards in the first place.
heaven forbid people have opinions

i'm sorry if other opinions shatters your self esteem so badly that you have to curl up like an 8 yr old and use the "you must hate everything" excuse in an attempt to reassure yourself
Seriously Pagy, you just said R1 would have been good if it was a different movie.

Also it is pretty dumb to pretend that there isn't a tendency of the narrative about almost any pop culture thing to crystallize as either amazing or terrible with no in between.

Ride your high horse though man, you do you.
Sorry you get triggered when people like something that isn't perfect.
i liked tfa. it's pretty far from perfect. so try again?
Seriously Pagy, you just said R1 would have been good if it was a different movie.
thats my personal, subjective opinion.
Also it is pretty dumb to pretend that there isn't a tendency of the narrative about almost any pop culture thing to crystallize as either amazing or terrible with no in between.
cool except im only speaking for myself. i didnt like it.
Ride your high horse though man, you do you.
i said i didn't like it. you're the one in tears being unable to reconcile someone not liking a movie and trying to paint them as a "hater".

i liked plenty of movies this year and last year. i hated rogue one.

but guess what, that doesnt mean you cant like it. so carry on with your life?
apparently lucas's first cuts of the original star wars were absolute and utter garbage

he showed it to spielberg and brian de palma and de palmas reaction was 'this makes no sense. its nonsense' and particularly ripped apart the opening crawl (which was like 3x longer than the one in the release edition)

his wife at the time (Marcia Lucas) and Richard Chew/Paul Hirsch basically saved the movie by re-ordering footage and dubbing audio from cut scenes into re-used footage from other scenes, completely re-structuring the movie & practically starting from scratch

editing re-wrote star wars and saved it in post-production
Movie was good. Saw it twice this weekend, including one IMAX viewing. Better than Force Awakens, almost as good as Rogue One. A few plot holes didn't ruin it for me. Only cringey part was Leia force-flying back into the destroyed bridge after getting spacefucked.


Come at me phaggitz.
For some reason you aren't allowed to like or enjoy things anymore, everything must be hated because it doesn't fit exactly into peoples preconceived notions of how things ought to be which are absurd and impossible to standards in the first place.


this is so true

What do the the Amazons think of their skimpier 'Justice League' outfits?

Justice League actor responds to Amazons costume controversy: 'It's more glamorous' | The Independent

Offers a Sexualized Vision of Amazon Warriors | IndieWire

look at this feminist flip out over skimpy amazonian costumes

i can't get enough of them preemptively raging about this

threatening a boycott over a movie only they could possibly give a shit about
look at this feminist flip out over skimpy amazonian costumes

i can't get enough of them preemptively raging about this

threatening a boycott over a movie only they could possibly give a shit about
So much for the 'strong, independent woman' portrayed in Hollywood.
first she shaved her pits

now she dressing like a whore

nothing like the don't slut shame me cat lady chicks calling others out all the time

This was a bad movie, and I mean structurally. It was such a bad film structurally that I am floored that the rotten tomatoes scores aren't reversed. That it's not 50% critics and 90% audience pretty much states implicitly that they are bought and paid for and there's not a single one who deserves to state they know anything about film. It's perfectly fine to enjoy some schlock, but acting like it's quality is to be in denial.

Let's start with the overuse of exposition dialogue. Now you can argue these films are geared towards a younger audience, who might need a bit more explanation as to what's happening, but there was way too much of it. "They've got a ram!" "Oh no they can use it to destroy the door!" "We have to destroy it before they use it to destroy the door!" It's completely unnecessary. "That is a big gun..." tells the audience everything they need to know, it's a gun, and they are capable of figuring out that it probably needs to be taken out. The characters know this too. Speaking it aloud is unnatural and awkward.


Inappropriate comedy is next. There was simply too much of it. This is the middle chapter of a trilogy, and every 30 seconds it was Poe, Finn, Porgs, BB8, Hux, Chewie, or Yoda interrupting with a zing or a sight gag. Most of the cast was devoted to making jokes in a war setting. It's a clash to begin with and should be used sparingly to relieve tense moments, not add up to half the film.

The False time constraint of the chase was a huge mistake. 18 hours? This is supposed to be immediately following Rey finding Luke? She was there at least two nights, how is that working? Is she supposed to learn everything she can in the matter of a few hours because the resistance is in immediate trouble following their victory at Starkiller base? Make it 18 days at least, what difference does it make? There's no need for such urgency for the plot, and frankly some scenes with Rey growing impatient with Luke over his feet dragging would've made more sense then, and be an interesting parallel to Luke's impatience in his youth. It was such a wasted opportunity for showing Luke's tutelage of Rey against Snoke's with Ben.

Am I supposed to believe at this point that the villains are at all competent? Is the First Order a legitimate threat? The Empire was effective and scary. By this point in the original trilogy, Vader had executed several Imperial officers who executed sound military strategy but failed nonetheless. How is Hux still alive? How did he even become a general? He is a buffoon, a caricature. He's Colonel Klink in space. Ben is an emotional baby. Snoke is gone and we literally know nothing about who he was, and now we have no reason to care. There is absolutely nothing interesting at all about the First Order as an antagonist.

And the largest offender, the one that drives me the most insane about basic script writing, plot threads that go absolutely nowhere. Scenes that can be removed without changing the outcome. Zero development. Rey's parents, the big "mystery box" of TFA. Doesn't matter they weren't anyone special. So why mention it at all, ever? Finn and Rose's trip to Vegas? Didn't matter at all. You could cut it completely, cut Benecio out of the film altogether, and just have them shuttle to the enemy ship to get caught regardless because you're not going to have that succeed anyway. Save me 30 minutes, Benecio's salary, and get an extra screening a day for more cash.

At the end of this film I sat there thinking, what was the point? Where did the story lead? What changed? Rey is still the good guy, Kylo is still the bad guy, Snoke is gone and we knew nothing about him anyway, and the resistance which managed to lose by winning is now called the Rebellion. Luke never even gave Rey the third lesson of his "I'll teach you three things". If someone did not see this film and wanted you to spoil it for them so they would understand Episode 9, you could literally just say "Snoke and Luke died and there's a chubby asian girl here now."

About the only thing keeping this film from being tied with the Phantom Menace for worst Star Wars film is that Daisy Ridley is charming as hell, even if I dislike her character. She carries every scene she's in. It's just a shame that instead of seeing a duality of Kylo being abandoned by his father, given up on by his teacher, and manipulated by an evil master against Rey being abandoned by her family, struggling with Luke, and choosing good regardless, we get Finn in a leaky medical suit, "Chromedome" lines, and a spaceflying frozen Leia.

I'll admit though I loved Chewie and the porgs.
For some reason you aren't allowed to like or enjoy things anymore, everything must be hated because it doesn't fit exactly into peoples preconceived notions of how things ought to be which are absurd and impossible to standards in the first place.

sweet jesus

wipe the tears out of your eyes. everything will be OK
Phantom Menace flowed better I think, and it had the mystery aspect of what was going on with the senate. The Force Awakens even had some mystery to it, and it was easy to follow and not too campy.

This movie was a chase like the old Battlestar Galactica series plot, and it wasn't strong enough to be a whole movie. They could of used a lot of stuff from Attack of the Clones again, and it might have worked better.

Did they test it to audiences and see what their reactions were? They should have storyboarded it to audiences or something, or looked at the other movie storyboards to make sure they had a believable premise and plot.