Star Citizen Update

I’ve been a sr project manager long enough to have smelled this a looooooong time ago.

No one can question the ambition and creativity of this dev team but this is obviously what happens when you let creative people roam free without any direction.

It's easy to see where it went off the rails, though. Right around September 2013 (and again in June the following year). It's the point where they left it up to the irresponsible gamer community to determine if they should continue inventing wild and impossible new "stretch goals" (read: scope creep) in return for their backers continuing to shower them with cash. The point where an idealist game designer lost control of his dream project.

Edit: Found a pretty good summary. The two official CIG community polls related to scope increases (from 2013 2014) : starcitizen_refunds
kick starter is just a shit business model*

it is based on taking advantage of kids and manchildren who are too ignorant to understand capital or at best choose to live in a communist fantasy land where you donate money that people then sell for more money without sharing any of the profit with you, just you can hope that a toy gets made

nothing of value has ever come out of it and generally speaking it is what we would call a cash fire

*technically it's a great business model because people really are that ignorant but it's made by and used by scumfucks only
i think they have new alternatives to KS that actually treat the crowd as investors who get stock in said company + legal obligations to said investors. then it makes more sense, cuz the company cant just promise the world, drop a turd, and run away.
yeah, you can become an investor at Support Independent Developers

for the most part, i no longer support kickstarters....been burned too many times. i paid the $20 or whatever for star citizen - while not a lot of $$, definitely regret it.

i also supported the new space quest game.....which was kickstarted in 2012....still no game in sight.
It all depends on how you look at it.

I paid 60$ for Aliens: Colonial Marines in preorder. So far I have spent 10 minutes on the game, and fucking hated it. Regret that purchase, and the one thing that made me NEVER ever preorder any game for any reason again. Also decided to never spend a single cent on gearbox games again. (no will not get borderlands 3). (ie paid 360$ pr hour for not having fun)

Currently have spent $4,659.25 USD on star citizen, and have so far played 200+ hours, loved almost every minutes of it. (ie 23$ pr hour and having fun, so far, and have received T-shirts, travel mug, ship models etc)

Also comparable is my Elite Dangerous kickstarter pledge that I sourly regret. I tried 3-4 times to actually play the game, but damn that game is boring and empty. Not at all what I was expecting at the time.
It all depends on how you look at it.

Currently have spent $4,659.25 USD on star citizen, and have so far played 200+ hours, loved almost every minutes of it. (ie 23$ pr hour and having fun, so far, and have received T-shirts, travel mug, ship models etc)

"Hey guys it's just a hobby...just like I played World of Warcraft all by myself"
I bought in at the beginning. Cant remember the last time I went to their site or watched a video.. I know its been years. IIRC, I bought the $250 package.
Maybe ill go try and log in to the site...
It all depends on how you look at it.

I paid 60$ for Aliens: Colonial Marines in preorder. So far I have spent 10 minutes on the game, and fucking hated it. Regret that purchase, and the one thing that made me NEVER ever preorder any game for any reason again. Also decided to never spend a single cent on gearbox games again. (no will not get borderlands 3). (ie paid 360$ pr hour for not having fun)

Currently have spent $4,659.25 USD on star citizen, and have so far played 200+ hours, loved almost every minutes of it. (ie 23$ pr hour and having fun, so far, and have received T-shirts, travel mug, ship models etc)

Also comparable is my Elite Dangerous kickstarter pledge that I sourly regret. I tried 3-4 times to actually play the game, but damn that game is boring and empty. Not at all what I was expecting at the time.

that's completely insane

it's like $2000 sushi, yup i bet it was fucking amazing but 12 hours later it's just another turd

talk about brain hacks
Its actually hilarious if you look at the people that actually spent quite a bit of money on the game (and didnt sell or make money off it) they all have one thing in common, they are retards.
It was so obviously flawed, but they kept putting money into it , when a new ship came out years after buying the initial offering and it was on sale or had some special deal they'd chuck more money at it , even when it had a best a pathetically small demo (like running around the dock). These people can only be described as actual idiots, and im glad they lost there money , fucking tards.
It all depends on how you look at it.

I paid 60$ for Aliens: Colonial Marines in preorder. So far I have spent 10 minutes on the game, and fucking hated it. Regret that purchase, and the one thing that made me NEVER ever preorder any game for any reason again. Also decided to never spend a single cent on gearbox games again. (no will not get borderlands 3). (ie paid 360$ pr hour for not having fun)

Currently have spent $4,659.25 USD on star citizen, and have so far played 200+ hours, loved almost every minutes of it. (ie 23$ pr hour and having fun, so far, and have received T-shirts, travel mug, ship models etc)

Also comparable is my Elite Dangerous kickstarter pledge that I sourly regret. I tried 3-4 times to actually play the game, but damn that game is boring and empty. Not at all what I was expecting at the time.
