[Star Citizen] Basic Game Package for $20

this guy is either going to deliver one of the most incredible games ever made or is the biggest scheister in the history of scheistering.

i'm thinking the latter...the bernie madoff of the video gaming industry.
I'm thinking most incredible game ever made. I wanna trade in my lti Aurora for something neater already
the failure of this game to deliver on half its promises is going to incur so much nerdrage
I think I'll just wait 3 years for the game to be released first. They don't need more money.

(But I do appreciate the heads-up. Thanks.)
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I think I'll just wait 3 years for the game to be released first. They don't need more money.

Or you can think of this like a very cheap preorder.

If you wait 3 years you'll be paying $60.

Up to you.
Nothing with an open world yet.

Just some basic world of tanks style gameplay in the form of Arena Commander. Nothing to get really excited over, but certainly entertaining as a view of how things are progressing. Still another year before it starts to look like "Star Citizen".
I just got a cutlass back during the original kickstarter, haven't spent anything since. Half the fun of the game will be stealing other peoples $$$ ships so... rather build my fleet that way :lol:
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you people are buying and selling spaceships in a game that wont be released for another year? or maybe not released at all?