Spry died of an apparent brain aneurysm

This one is for Spry:

i'm pathetic?

i'm not the one with a sudden burst of moral awareness in the wake of a tragic event over someone that was pretty much ignored a week ago

at least i keep it real

No one is asking you to give a shit. I can understand idiots being idiots here. Personally, I think it is pathetic to spam something like "GLAD YOU DIDE" on a funeral home book which his parents and family members are going to read.

I wouldn't do that to someone family I didn't know, so why the Hell would I do it to someone I barely know?
could you show me where i used some idiotic cliche like 'dide'

must have missed that one

oh, you're just making shit up in lieu of actual post content. please try again.
why are people so obsessed with the guest book

whining about it is only going to encourage more people to fuck with it
i can't believe that this is such a big fucking deal

a dude died

he happened to post on tw

As for Gon, nigafool, T-Refried, buize, and naptown. The fact that they don't just stay out of the thread just proves how pathetic they are.

um i whored irc and talked to spry more than 90% of everyone here. check anyone's logs and you'll see the majority of his convos are with me, data, frozenrain, or tbob.

i also pubbed with him everyday when t2 was around.

spry was a good guy, had a horrible politically incorrect sense of humor, and would have wanted ppl trolling his r.i.p thread

you can mourn him all you want but i'll remember that funny stuff he used to do say/do. on the internet no one dies.