soulcalibur 4 you got it?

I has it. It's pretty good aside from Yoda and The Apprentice being imba as shit. The graphics are fantastic and the combat is pretty fluid.
"imba"... fuck, I hate that word. Can't remember what other game community started that shit though.. probably DotA..
i was psyched for it, but then i heard it was another fighter victim of button-mashing syndrome (moves are too simple to accidentally pull of)

Also the fact that online is useless unless you're a casual player (aka fighting game online latency has still yet to be figured out 100%)
i was psyched for it, but then i heard it was another fighter victim of button-mashing syndrome (moves are too simple to accidentally pull of)

Also the fact that online is useless unless you're a casual player (aka fighting game online latency has still yet to be figured out 100%)

:rolleyes: x 100
slobax bitches about everything and anything

ignore the fag

im picking this up by the end of the week
even if button mashers can pull off moves accidentally you should be able to rock them if you're even slightly decent

If you're losing to a button masher in any fighting game, it's because you're a shitty player.

also, vf5 and DoA were great for online play via xbox. I would play guys from Japan all the time in VF and it was playable. I assume SC will be the same.
picked up the 360 version

looks amazing, fun gameplay, and hilde is sweet

add me: browndoom

hopefully darth vader will be DLC :(
yeah I'd like to see somebody try to button mash against some of my friends that are good at the game (which I don't claim to be). Sometimes in the heat of the battle I will revert to mashing against them and I can occasionally get some nice hits in here and there, but the majority of the time they will hand me my ass.
SC2 is one of the few games where I actually enjoyed getting the unlockables. Loved seeing the characters do katas.

yeah I was curious if the new game has unlockable katas in it, anybody know? I fucking loved that shit, used to just sit there and watch those.
i was psyched for it, but then i heard it was another fighter victim of button-mashing syndrome (moves are too simple to accidentally pull of)

Thats never been a good thing about fighting games. They should be about pulling off the right move at the right time and mindgames. Never about some complex string of button presses that takes ages to memorize and perfect timing to pull off.
Thats never been a good thing about fighting games. They should be about pulling off the right move at the right time and mindgames. Never about some complex string of button presses that takes ages to memorize and perfect timing to pull off.
the best qualities of Smash.
Button mashing in Soul Calibur? I don't think so...

anybody even slightly decent at the parrying and dodging system is going to waste button mashers