Sort of NWS - Headshots of a Climax


Apparently she had a short.
That's actually kind of cool. They made it erotic without having to have the
zoom lens on the genetalia.
Vanster said:
the zoom lens on the genetalia.

I hate that more than anything.

It's like a midporn break for an anatomy lesson, but shakier, so you get motion sickness.
i wouldnt get off the same if i had a camera in my face

everyone on that site is playing it up for the cameras
Edit: what was that Billy Crystal / Meg Ryan movie where she "faked it" at dinner?
That chick has serious skills- I know I would have been fooled.

When Bobby met Sarah or some shit
PJ said:
only b/c girl on intarnet posted it am i rite

By the way, PJ, you still haven't dealt with the threats against my life on Internet Relay Chat in the same manner in which you dealt with the threats against Madcat. I am shocked and appalled at this blatantly sexist favoritism.