Software RAID Solution?


Veteran XX
I know this has been posted on here before but I cannot for the life of me remember the name.

I'm looking to throw 3 or 4 2TB HDD's into a RAID 5 configuration. My motherboard is crap and doesn't support it, so until I upgrade, what is the best software solution out there?
If I'm going hardware, I'll just get a new mobo that supports it. At that point I need a new CPU and RAM.

Software = free
Yes but why spend money on a raid controller when I eventually will upgrade my motherboard which will come with it....

I'm looking for a patch right now
may i ask why?

if i had to guess, i'd guess that the reason is because you read somewhere that having a RAID is super cool, and so you want one.

i just can't think of too many purposes where having a RAID is a good idea, but that having a software RAID is a good option...
the best software solution is to not use software and go with hardware. You dont want to listen to the people that are telling you tho so this thread is pointless.
It's so 90s, but I'm sure there's something out there. I forget the name of the product we used back in the day, all I remember is the engineers using it in the same sentence with "FUCK!"
may i ask why?

if i had to guess, i'd guess that the reason is because you read somewhere that having a RAID is super cool, and so you want one.

i just can't think of too many purposes where having a RAID is a good idea, but that having a software RAID is a good option...

Sure, I have TB's of media that I want to have redundancy for in case a drive dies. I don't need the performance advantages and mirroring is expensive. - Forums is there the latest and greatest flexraid stuff is.

The latest build only has beta real time raid. I've been using the snapshot with pooling since build 7 and not had any issues.

I like that I can talk to the actual developer if I have problems. He is on every day and answers questions pretty quickly.
Sure, I have TB's of media that I want to have redundancy for in case a drive dies. I don't need the performance advantages and mirroring is expensive.

the real question is - is losing that data worth more than 30$? Because thats what it costs for your to get a PCI raid card.

because software raids are anything but reliable when it comes to losing a drive.

i just can't believe that that much information, that you're concerned about losing, isn't worth 30-40$ to make sure you can actually save it. that it's better to risk it with a software setup, over 30-40$.