Sochi Olympics - Odds of a Terror Attack

Odds of a Terror Attack at the Olympics?

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Im surprised it hasnt been called off, theres some legitimate concerns right now. Theyre actively looking for a female suicide bomber for fucks sake.

Also, of all the fucking wintery places in Russia.....they pick a temperate area for the olympics, who got paid off here?
Putin will ensure that the only terrorist attack happens in the gayest area of the olympic village.
There will be no "Terror" attack. No legitimate terrorist organization would be foolish enough to upset Putin, who would personally oversee a Russian rocketbear response unit. Now will some Russian mafia types pull an insurance scam? Absolutely. Will some yuppie American protester with a raging sense of entitlement decide to do something dumb in a foreign country whilst expecting the full backing of US law? Sure.

Not like Russia is doing anything about being retarded for these Olympics though. I mean christ they're putting captured Orcas on display at the games. Hey here are some whales we caught look at them while we poke them with sticks. Russia! Fuck Yea!
I hope there is an attack. putin will wipe out every extremist muslim on the face of the planet if they dare 2 fuk with his fun fair
im in the 100% pool because what the fuck y dont u make it all or nothing so if it happens we can check on who predict this
An unnamed woman will look suspicious at the Olympics. She will attempt to put her hand inside her coat pocket then an axe will hit her square between the eyes. Once the Spetzna finishes his backflip he will guard the body then 2 dozen other will swarm the area. Starved dogs will be released and eat everyone in sight, saved for the Spetznas.

All audio and visual media of the event will then go dead. The world news organizations will go wild with speculation. 12 hours later Putin will give a speech while standing on the bloodstains of the would-be terrorist. The Olympics will be violence free from then on.
they probably will have a policy to shoot anyone who remotely looks chechen or muslim on sight.