[(#)SOCCER] The Official 2010-2011 Soccer Thread

i said mourinho didnt deserve the red he got for by smiling and applauding the the ref. in actuality he winked, said good job a few times, and applauded. that means i was wrong? rofl?

Granero instead of diarra? ok coach, you know best (sarcasm). the point is he replaced KHEIDRA (injured) with someone that plays the exact same position (diarra). granero is a technical player known for his passing, and as a result he is not a like for like kheidra replacement. in addition the point of the non-pepe midfielders was to be athletic and muscle barcelona off the ball. diarra is physically strong (Lassana Diarra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) while granero is about as easy to push over as di maria

im not surprised you didnt think RM pressed and attacked (since you have no idea what youre talking about) but why would ronaldo say he didnt have back up? because they were down to 10 men? because mourinho threw on abedayor at half time, thus removing one support player from the attacking half?

in your original post you criticized ozil for playing, yet ozils position was specifically to provide support for ronaldo as a false 9 and winger

k im done

ESPN said:
Cristiano Ronaldo, who was largely anonymous as an attacking presence during the game and showed visible frustration with the way Madrid were playing said: "Do I like to play in a defensive team like Madrid? No, but I have to adapt to what the coach wants.

Özil was mostly playing centrally with Ronaldo on the winger and that didn't work so well. RM played better in the 2nd half with Adebayor as central.

RM didn't press and attack, they put 10 men behind the ball most of the time. Hell Barca put Mascherano as central d and he's 160cm. Not much of a airplayer.

I know Khedira was injured, but Diarra is utter shit and Pepe as a defensive anchor should be enough in that aspect. He played 3 central midfielders (actually one central d), 2 of which are defensively orientated.

You can't outposess Barca but you can't put 10 men behind the ball and hope for a counter because you're usually 2 goals down by then already.

And like I said before Mourinho intentionally got the red card just so he could have more 'firepower' against the refs postmatch. His entire game tactic failed.

Say aren't you the guy that suddenly became a passionate CFC fan when they won in 04 and spends time reading about football on the net or am I thinking about someone else?
I don't know how anyone can watch this type of football. They don't actually play the game, they look to cheat and con the ref.

It's pathetic
Sick penalty save by Al-Habsi. Love watching those. Go Wigan! And a pretty sweet finish by NZogbia. He could've gone for the penalty but kept on his feet. :bigthumb:
I don't know how anyone can watch this type of football. They don't actually play the game, they look to cheat and con the ref.

It's pathetic

I agree, but to be fair. Neither Barca or RM play like that vs anyone else, just vs eachother. (There's pretty much always some theatrics but not nearly as extreme as El Clasicos)
I agree, but to be fair. Neither Barca or RM play like that vs anyone else, just vs eachother. (There's pretty much always some theatrics but not nearly as extreme as El Clasicos)

The entire spanish league is like it though, maybe not to the extreme of this game, but it's deffo there. The english premiership is a joke for diving and falling over, but it's not even on the same level compared to spain and italy.

To be fair, British players do have a tendancy to stay on their feet a hell of a lot more, and don't dive nearly as much, if at all. Shame there is around 4-5 british players in a team these days. Lower league football would be considered brutal compared to the nancy boys.
Yeah, I'd welcome videoreffing like in American Football. Just give the fucking divers a yellow card already. The game's already been stopped.

But Sepp Blatter is a corrupt piece of shit that says "it'll take away the spirit of the game" or some shit :ftard:
Odemwingie has been insane the last few weeks. I need to find his stats.

Edit: Yeah he's got 4 in the last 5, now he's 5 for 6. And he's playing for WBA. Up to 15 goals now, gonna be hot this summer.
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Yeah, I'd welcome videoreffing like in American Football. Just give the fucking divers a yellow card already. The game's already been stopped.

But Sepp Blatter is a corrupt piece of shit that says "it'll take away the spirit of the game" or some shit :ftard:

There are a few things that need to be sorted in football. Their stubboness to use technology is just downright hillarious. I do believe the media has some input on that though.

First off, Why don't they have camera's just like the NHL does within the goals. Any goal that is disputed can go to the Third ref, he can decide within seconds if it was a goal or not. You stop the game for maybe 3 minutes, but get the right decision. It hasn't hurt tennis, rugby union, rugby league, ice hockey, american football or any other damn sport. But yet it will effect football? fuck off.

Without controversy football doesn't make as many headlines. I think this is the real reason.

Secondly, get rid of the fucking refs behind the goal. They cause more harm than good.

Thirdly, any back chat to the ref is an instant yellow card. Swearing at the ref, or being agressive results in a red card everytime. Rugby probably has the greatest respect for the ref. You swear at a ref, and you miss the next 3 games.

and last, give the managers a challenge option like american football, for penalties, free kicks, handball ect. They get one challenge in the entire game. You win the challenge you get to challenge again. Stop their fucking moaning after the games, and fans feel better afterwards too.

Jesus, give me the fucking FA job.