
so is he married yet or not?

in other news, i'm getting married tomorrow

but i asked her dad for his blessing, and we've had this thing planned out for a while

also prenup'd

idk if i'm doing this right it's my first time
You're doing it wrong by getting married period this day in age.

Prenup is about as smart as you can go, but watch out, there's so many ways around those things anymore for females that it's ridiculous.
its rather unanimous though, across all TW demographics, that this was probably not a good idea.

(still wish you the best Fallhawk).
You're doing it wrong by getting married period this day in age.

Prenup is about as smart as you can go, but watch out, there's so many ways around those things anymore for females that it's ridiculous.

you just have to find the right ones, which I'll admit are few and far between

her grandparents, my grandparents, her parents, and my parents have all been married to each other without divorce

I guess you could say we're both a little old-fashioned, her moreso than I, as she grew up in the south
your interest in this is...odd

but yeah we'll probably do it this week. My brother is up from nola so he and my sister can be witnesses
Hey guys Im getting married today

2 weeks later

Yeah we'll probably do it this week

Good start.
You're doing it wrong by getting married period this day in age.

Depending on where you live, simply living together is just as bad. If you and a partner are considered 'common law', then in the event of a split, you're looking at a 50/50 split of assets obtained/paid during that relationship, regardless of who's name it's in. You're also subject to spousal support, as simply having a kid with a person pretty much qualifies you for common law.

You need to update your playbook to include "Don't even live in the same building" if your goal is to avoid post-relationship financial fallout.