So who killed JFK?

one of the released JFK files- This one says that the Russians had proof LBJ had it done...

but will we ever REALLY know?
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Trump orders release of remaining JFK documents - CBS News

President Trump ordered Friday the release of all of the documents on former President John F. Kennedy, nearly 24 hours after 2,800 of 3,100 documents were released.
Mr. Trump posted a statement on Twitter saying he had consulted with chief of staff John Kelly, the CIA and other agencies and said he will be releasing all of the files except for the names and addresses of people still living.
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>gee Mario 64 is so fun

>i hope I get a cute gf and a house

>Lee Harvey Oswald endorsed Israel, and JFK's successor was a jewish plant to enact the 1965 Immigration act. Also Hitler didn't kill himself.
Makes we want to play Wolfenstein:


Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his underground bunker

Der Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, dictator of Germany, burrowed away in a refurbished air-raid shelter, consumes a cyanide capsule, then shoots himself with a pistol, on this day in 1945, as his “1,000-year” Reich collapses above him.

Hitler had repaired to his bunker on January 16, after deciding to remain in Berlin for the last great siege of the war. Fifty-five feet under the chancellery (Hitler’s headquarters as chancellor), the shelter contained 18 small rooms and was fully self-sufficient, with its own water and electrical supply. He left only rarely (once to decorate a squadron of Hitler Youth) and spent most of his time micromanaging what was left of German defenses and entertaining such guests as Hermann Goering, Heinrich Himmler, and Joachim von Ribbentrop. At his side were Eva Braun, whom he married only two days before their double suicide, and his dog, an Alsatian named Blondi.

Warned by officers that the Russians were only a day or so from overtaking the chancellery and urged to escape to Berchtesgarden, a small town in the Bavarian Alps where Hitler owned a home, the dictator instead chose suicide. It is believed that both he and his wife swallowed cyanide capsules (which had been tested for their efficacy on his “beloved” dog and her pups). For good measure, he shot himself with his service pistol.

The bodies of Hitler and Eva were cremated in the chancellery garden by the bunker survivors (as per Der Fuhrer’s orders) and reportedly later recovered in part by Russian troops. A German court finally officially declared Hitler dead, but not until 1956.

Adolf Hitler commits suicide in his underground bunker - Apr 30, 1945 -
well shit did Samuel pick up a book?

I read like a crazy man. I typically do 4 books a month; 2 Audbile and 2 Kindle books a month. Almost all of them are historical, political, social science or science-based. It has been a while since I last read a sci-fi book. I am an audible subscriber - 2 books a month; Amazon unlimited member and I also buy a lot of books.

Hell, I've been buying physical books again because they are not digital. Most recent purchase: Introduction to Gnosticism: Ancient Voices, Christian Worlds which lead to: Audible: The Great Courses: Gnosticism: From Nag Hammadi to the Gospel of Judas, which I am listening to now.

There is some great history here that I find fascinating. It allows me to talk ancient religion to both modern-day Christians and, combat progressive douche bags that blame everything bad in religion on Christians while reciting Jewish religious dogma and laws. I am not sure what way i am going to go from here - I want to read some of the gnostic books but I also want to read the works of the man that politicized Christianity which ultimately lead to the Catholic Chruch Inc, Irenaeus. He's the dick-hole that created 'Heretics' which ultimately lead to countless deaths the world over.

However, up next on is: Audible: Propaganda by Edward Bernays and Treason in America from Aaron Burr to Averell Harriman.
The story we were told about hitler killing himself is complete bullshit i think.
After ww2 a member of my family was the admiral of the bolivian navy. Id hear storys about playing golf with the Butcher of Leon and also storys about the angle of death. There was many ex nazis in the area and any time id ask about hitler i would get nothing but silence and anger. I could tell there was more too it by the reactions i get. I dont know if its bad to talk about this kind of stuff but theres lots of storys. I wish i knew more but the remaining family refuses to talk about it.

About JFK tho, I wish someone reputable would just tell the truth on their death bed or something
Black Listed News: The One Paragraph You Need To Read From The JFK Assassination Files That May Change Everything


the "Surgeon General's Report" on the assassination stated that the first bullet entered the President's throat below the adams apple, clearly showing that two persons were involved with the first shot being fired from the bridge across the park way in front of the car.

To further substantiate this, POTITO said there was a bullet hole in the wind shield of the President's car...​
If this is true, wouldn't people have pointed out the damage to the windshield by now? Theres so many pictures and footage
If this is true, wouldn't people have pointed out the damage to the windshield by now? Theres so many pictures and footage
Not when its been replaced a few times.

*edit - follow the link to BLN. Lot of information there and i didnt want to post a TL;DR