So when did this place become a far right Trump loving shithole?

yo, libtard, stop reeing for a second.

now, here's a question for you... could you put your extreme liberal TDS MSM brainwashed bias aside for a second and name a couple of things you like about Trump and what he's done for the country?

if he doesn't want to i'll take a crack at this

* over 100 civil war statues removed

* dollar strengthened against the yuan

* record levels of undocumented immigrants coming over to work for this country

* criminal justice reform

* surging troop deployments in the middle east

* saved the nytimes and wapo

* made obamacare popular
More misinformation. Immigrants pay taxes just like everyone else. They have to if they have a job.

The misinformation being spread around is mind boggling.

are you for real? are you unfamiliar with the concept of "under the table"? sure some illegals pay taxes if they have a stolen SSN, but those are the only ones and the data on the ones who don't is not available for obvious reasons
are you for real? are you unfamiliar with the concept of "under the table"? sure some illegals pay taxes if they have a stolen SSN, but those are the only ones and the data on the ones who don't is not available for obvious reasons

Yeah and that shit has to be cracked down on. I don't agree with anyone coming here for free, working and not contributing anything to the betterment of society. That's just wrong and there needs to be serious reform on that.
Needs to be done though regardless of how much it costs.

We cant just get rid of welfare. Too many would die. Some people are disabled and not able to work ect.

But reform is needed in welfare cases I agree.

u mean like the drug testing thing?
u mean like the drug testing thing?

Yup. And regular reports showing that you are actually trying to get a job. Companies should report to an agency when someone applies for a job if they are on any sort of welfare. Then it can be shown that effort is being put forth.

I know someone who has been trying to find a job for almost 2 years. She just isn't putting forth the effort. Its sad really.
Yup. And regular reports showing that you are actually trying to get a job. Companies should report to an agency when someone applies for a job if they are on any sort of welfare. Then it can be shown that effort is being put forth.

I know someone who has been trying to find a job for almost 2 years. She just isn't putting forth the effort. Its sad really.

uh all u gotta do is get hired then fired collect unemployment and reset it.. This is common ghetto tactics.
uh all u gotta do is get hired then fired collect unemployment and reset it.. This is common ghetto tactics.

so keep track of that too. And when a discrepancy is shown investigate it for fraud. May take more manpower but it can be done. And it would also create jobs.
Cheeto hitler isn't that bad. 10x better president than bush at the very least.
More misinformation. Immigrants pay taxes just like everyone else. They have to if they have a job.

The misinformation being spread around is mind boggling.

Oh and I ignored Havax for his mouthspew but I am not a Bernie "bro". I am just stating the facts and trying to clear up the misinformation out there.

lol well that was quick.

what a snowflake baby bitch. gg

and lol this guy thinking he is "clearing up misinformation" hahaha
yeh im totally down with spending 30k of my money to give someone $800

if you think about the taxes we pay vs taxes the rich pay. Thats basically happening right now.

But regardless of that. You are doing that now when you pay your premium for insurance.
Bush got us attacked and used that as an excuse for multiple illegal wars. Almost doesn't mean anything.
uh all u gotta do is get hired then fired collect unemployment and reset it.. This is common ghetto tactics.

unemployment is based on how much you earned over the last 12 months or so. ghetto tactics is having kids for an extra benny or two a month on welfare
u can collect unemployment while signing right back up for welfare. it resets the whole you havent worked in X and makes it harder for you to hire because no one hires someone who keeps getting fired.