So we’re not gonna discuss the democratic debates in its own thread?

I'm not saying I agree with her, she's just the only one that isn't an empty suit pandering to identity.
What was being proposed to be given away for free? Cause... that is all they can run on. Who can promise the most free shit to the free-shit army.
i'm not a huge republican fan either, but i can't understand how ANYONE can vote for a democrat now after everything we've learned about them over the past 2.5 years. they stand for nothing except dead babies, open borders, gibmedats and orange man bad.
It doesn't matter who the people think won the debate. The left has already picked Biden. I'll try watching tonight (Thursday) but if they break out into Spanish, I'm going to bed.

Here's what they stand for.
1. Let everyone in, open borders.
2. Free health care for all. (already tried with ObamaCare)
3. Free college.
4. Minimum wage of $15 / hr.
5. Everyone has a good paying job.
6. Free birth control.
7. Kill your babies (Abortion)

Watch the first few minutes of this video. This is what the left wants here in the USA.

The river flowing through London, is pumped full of sewage because there are so many people.
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Tulsi Gabbard is an interesting Candidate, the only reason she appealing is because shes an attractive female among piles of worthless shit.

Gabbard not only looks good, but also sounds good. As in she is articulate and doesn't sound like a puppet reading off talking points from an index card.

Just the fact that everyone on that stage appears tailored to look like an NPC, all wearing the same thing... except Gabbard who stands out in bright red.