So the cops just kicked me out of a party :(

Mael said:
Meaning they can stop and question you. If the bullshit you are slinging after commiting a crime isn't good enough, and you look higher than a fucking kite, im guessing they will frisk you.
No, that's actually completely wrong, and I'm not just saying that to be a dick. Seriously, google the above terms I provided, it'll pop up a lot of information concerning your rights, and when you can be stopped, frisked, etc.
iNVAR said:
No, that's actually completely wrong, and I'm not just saying that to be a dick. Seriously, google the above terms I provided, it'll pop up a lot of information concerning your rights, and when you can be stopped, frisked, etc.
youre being far too technical for these guys

basically to pat down frisk someone you need to feel like there might be a possibility that they could do you harm if they had a weapon on their person... terry searches (as they are called) are specifically for the purpose of personal safety from weapons
Dumpy Dooby said:
Except that p9morbid didn't say anything wrong.

If you seize property without first obtaining a warrant, or having some other contractual permit, it's considered theft. The only exception to this is when the property to be searched/seized is mobile. If you disagree with that, then you might want to take a high school government class before continuing with your pursuit of becoming a criminal law major.

Duly note that p9Morbid specifically mentioned entering a HOME, not searching a vehicle. I think you're just so fucking high-strung on being an elitist dickhead that you felt like correcting someone, even if it wasn't topical ... that is, being the self-righteous prick that you are.
um .. pretty much everything you said is wrong

ok thats not true but

p9morbid was. you can search and seize without a warrant.. which is the opposite of what he said, which is what i (ever so nicely) pointed out. yes, technically it is illegal without a search warrant, but the exceptions to warrants make up the majority of what any street level police officer will do.

and being in a home just makes the rules a bit different, but doesnt change them entirely.