So the cops just kicked me out of a party :(

He was bored and wanted to fuck with them. He probably did get in trouble though because Eric's lawyer got all his court fees paid back to him in the ruling... so the police dept. had to pay all his lawyer fees... Still he didn't get his time away from work paid back to him.
Most cops are cool. If they come to a party just apologize and say that it won't happen again. Also cops aren't there to punish you lair2, I give cops credit, they put their life on the line everyday so people like you don't kill yourself or other people. Also what other job do you put a bullet proof vest on and work every holiday? Give them some credit.
this thread makes baby police jesus cry

yes, they can enter the residence based on PROBABLE CAUSE along with EXIGENT CIRCUMSTANCES. Meaning that there is PC a crime is being committed, and if they didn't enter right now, the evidence would be removed.

Depending on where you live POs may be required to have a BA/BS, which is more education than a lot of you punk asses will ever have. And they certainly have better things to do with their time, but when dumbasses like yall want to "assert your rights" (which you have no clue about) you just made a quick experience into a long and painful one.
dude that champagne cost 10 bucks each

it was in brown bags because you cant drink an open container on the street unless its in a bag because then they cant legally just say "oh hey thats booze buddy"

but it was downtown SF on new years so i think they could reasonably assume it was booze

but fuck them they are gay
you were drinking in public
brown bags are merely a kind of mutual "not my problem" field for cops and bums
it doesnt make it less illegal


The police cannot come into your home, without your consent and without a warrant to arrest you unless there are "exigent" circumstances. There is no clear rule defining what an "exigent" circumstance is. But, there are certain factors that judges will take into consideration in determining whether exigent circumstances exist. Some of those are:

the gravity of the offense (murder or disorderly conduct),

the existence of probable cause,

the likelihood of an escape if the officer does not act quickly, and

whether the officer’s entrance was peaceable.

Heres a definition of exigent circumstances:
Automatic Jack said:
In other words, they can come in if they want to, and later a judge can disaffirm their justification.
Assuming they have proable cause it looks like they can do whatever they want.....If they suspect minors could be drinking It looks like they can enter.
yes just ignore my post la dee dah its not like im a criminal justice major (and i take every opportunity to say so, so you should fucking know that! :) )
Gangrel said:
you were drinking in public
brown bags are merely a kind of mutual "not my problem" field for cops and bums
it doesnt make it less illegal

i didnt say it made it legal (or did i im not looking)

but usually they dont care
If you are having a party and you don't think that the cops can come up with something that will pass as probable cause then you are nuts.

Say they thought they saw a minor drinking or thought they saw a bong or whatever. Odds are really damn good that some law is being broken at any given party and once they get in....

Unless you have JOhnny Cochrane you are gonna have a hard time getting a judge to rule that there was no probable cause.
Dumpy Dooby said:
The band was playing their last song (which is why they didn't stop for the cops). I was fixing to leave as soon as the band finished ... I was waiting for some girl that was listening to them; I wanted to say good bye to her. My car was parked in a red zone accross the street and didn't get ticketed. I left after the song. I got to say good bye to the girl.

I win. gg. k.thx


the longrun

#1 you said the band was playing, so it seems like the cops would need to yell
#2 youre fat
They can make you leave if you're not a resident, but not without the owner wanting you to leave.

And yes they can throw you out of the house and leave you out on the street while you're drunk.. And they'll have no remorse.
samUwell said:
unless they "see" blood on one of the people in teh house. then they have probal cause.

also, when ever you begin to speak to the coppers, you should always try to remember to say, "under my 1st amendment right, officer". this allows you to say just about anything you want to to them with out them taking offence to what you've said. they also will give respect to you for thinking you know the law.

This qualifies as the most idiotic post I've ever read here.

1 - It's probable. Probable fucking cause. Learn to spell.

2 - Probable cause can be anything. Not just "someone having blood on them". It is basically any belief by an officer that a crime is (or was) committed. Any crime, and any belief. If I'm walking by a house and there's loud music late at night. That's probable cause for me to go there. Granted, I'm not allowed to search the house without a warrant or consent, alot of people are ignorant of their 4th amendment rights and allow a search.

3 - Calling police "coppers" is fucking gay.

4 - If you tell me (a police officer) that "Under the 1st Amendment I can say whatever I want", I will laugh my fucking ass off at you. This does not make you smart, nor does it make me give you respect. It will however let you talk all you want, and probably fuck yourself over, and make my job easier.

5 - Offense. It's spelled with an 's'.

stupid fucking member.
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