So that tornado that happened in Texas the day after Christmas...

[MoM] Gort

Veteran XX
...went right through my neighborhood. My house only received minor damage, but houses just a few hundred yards away were completely obliterated. Didn't get many pics but here are a few.


This is the tornado's path, travelled from south to north. If you look at the bottom of the pic you can see the red line pretty much follows "Lyons Road". My street is one of the "L" shaped streets towards the bottom of the path, about 5 houses down from Lyons.


This was taken further north, where Bobtown Road curves from running E-W to N-S.


This was taken at the corner of my street and Lyons.


Finally, a pic of the tornado itself. I didn't take this one. It was taken from an apartment complex across the lake. From what I can tell, the funnel was passing through my neighborhood when this picture was taken.

Scary shit, let me tell you.
ehhhh about 300 miles north of Galveston
or you know
the entire range of a bunch of smaller shittier states
I dunnO

Maybe. Last I saw him he was in good health
And he's joked about dying for years but then I see him online on steam or something

I dunno maybe he is dead