[So] Recommend some casual games


Veteran XV
Any casual games you guys play to kill time? Nothing too serious, just games you can quit anytime.

Good graphics are a bonus, maybe some of the indie games out there are worth checking out?
12 hours is totally casual

and with save and load options in every new game
anything is casual
I second Super Meat Boy.
If you like platformers and don't mind dying three million times.
Most levels only take a few seconds/a minute or so if you don't die horribly. However, you will die horribly and re-do the levels many many times. Each death tends to be pretty hilarious (unless you are prone to nerdraging).

It's still great fun but I don't know if it's worth it at the current price. I got it during the xmas sale.

Beat Hazard isn't bad either.
It will make your eyes bleed, but once you get used to your newly scarred retinas, it can be pretty entertaining.

Also Altitude if you want something multiplayer. It's easy to find and join games, the matches are quick, and the gameplay is fun. And it has a learning curve. ZOMG.
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