So, my girlfriend went hunting rabits.

Has anyone mentioned yet that its a friggin RDS and not a scope?

If she was really shooting 4" at 200 yards thats pretty damn good considering there's no magnification and she's fucking standing and her posture is awful.
Hey Blitz I was supposed to pass along a message from some guy called Crazy Bill or something - "Don't forget the fucking match tonight!". That was from yesterday btw, so that match would have been last night.. :oops:
Whoever it was that offered the hundred dollar bet for rabbit gutting, I'm in.

Under 5 second. Easily done.
Somebody really needs to find Blitz's "girlfriend" and tell her about the way that he was fired from Toys R Us.

I mean, if she were my sister, I'd want her to know that she is dating a creepy little fuck.
oh and btw. I never got fired from toys r us, and I've already told her the story and showed her the thread. :shrug: She thinks it was funny, not 'creepy'.
Why the fuck would you hunt a black bear ? what a huge faggot.
I hope a polar bear eats your whole family ala lost style.
I think that a better name for this thread would have been, "I saw a demi-attractive real female while I was playing airsoft and covertly took her picture."
all hunting is stupid. you have such an advantage over the unknown animals. hunt humans!

They're tastey.

Besides, you're not giving the animals credit. They're faster, more camoflauged, have a better sense of smell, and if you're hunting them you're on their territory.
Besides, you're not giving the animals credit. They're faster, more camoflauged, have a better sense of smell, and if you're hunting them you're on their territory.

This is only true if you're hunting with your bare hands, and you're not hunting with your bare hands. You're a fat piece of shit that can barely move your arms and legs without stumbling over your fat gut.