[so] my computer isnt working...

T-Funk said:
its happened to me before and installing sata drivers fixed it

I understand that. :)
What I mean is, surely he must have already installed his SATA drivers, or else he wouldn't have gotten to the point he is at right now...
Yesp the chipset driver is MOBO / chipset specific. Although - You shouldn't need one as most onboaid IDe & SATA controllers report to the BIOS as IDE and don't require 3rd party drivers on windows install (you know.. Hit F6 to install 3rd party raid,etc..).

Why not just disable HPA stuff in your BIOS.. I'm pretty sure you'll need to format / partition your HD to have an HPA area if you wanted to use it and your HD isn't set up for it..

I dunno.. I just make a non assigned partition for my ghost images and use that for recovery, so I don't use HPA at all..
Leiawen said:
I understand that. :)
What I mean is, surely he must have already installed his SATA drivers, or else he wouldn't have gotten to the point he is at right now...
im saying its let me past there before
but didnt work after the restart same way as his
ok pino the best advice i can find IF your problem is what i think it is because thats the only thing i could really help you with
dl this file:
and then do what this guy says from a forum i found about this problem
may work may not hopefully it does
make a new folder on your desktop and call it folder 1

right click on the downloaded file and click--extract files

select folder 1 as the folder to extract to. click ok.

now inert a blank floppy in the drive.

create a folder on the floppy called RAIDCLASS

now double click folder 1--IDE--winXP

now copy these files to the RAIDCLASS folder on the floppy


now copy

textsetup oem and disk1 to the same floppy OUTSIDE the RAIDCLASS folder.

remove the floppy and insert a new blank floppy

create a folder on this floppy called BUSDRV

now go back to the xp folder in folder 1 and copy these files to the BUSDRV folder on the floppy


now copy

textsetup oem and disk1 to the same floppy OUTSIDE the BUSDRV folder.

remove the floppy


now it should work

boot from the xp cd and at the start of setup hit f6.

when prompted hit S to specify a device driver and insert the RAIDCLASS floppy when prompted.

when that driver has been installed hit S again to specify a second driver. and insert the BUSDRV floppy

then continue with your installation as prompted.