[SO] My 360 just redringed

That sucks dude :(

Personally, never had a problem with the 360 at our place. Although my housemate is like a fucking Nazi when it comes to taking care of it.
I got a 360 over a PS3 knowing about problems people had been having with it overheating. I just liked the upcoming 360 games more. I've had the thing for a year now and it hasn't crashed on me yet. I haven't done anything special, it just sits on the same table as my TV, next to my DVD player, with a center speaker on top of it. Maybe I just got really lucky. :shrug:
after going out and buying mass effect and then trying to play a game on the console I haven't touched in over 2-3 months... that to me is Ironic

2-3 months of dust bulid up-->poor ventilation
graphically demanding game--> heat
Red ring

it's all very logical
I got a 360 over a PS3 knowing about problems people had been having with it overheating. I just liked the upcoming 360 games more. I've had the thing for a year now and it hasn't crashed on me yet. I haven't done anything special, it just sits on the same table as my TV, next to my DVD player, with a center speaker on top of it. Maybe I just got really lucky. :shrug:

The only game that catches my attention is Gears of War. Having played and beat it; there isn't anything else to do with the 360. I don't know where people that say "360 has games" come from. The system really isn't THAT great. Infact, the interface isn't as friendly as the PS3
The only game that catches my attention is Gears of War. Having played and beat it; there isn't anything else to do with the 360. I don't know where people that say "360 has games" come from. The system really isn't THAT great. Infact, the interface isn't as friendly as the PS3
The only games that really interest me that have come out for the PS3 are also available on the 360. I loved Gears, I'm loving Halo and I can't wait for Ninja Gaiden 2, though it looks like it'll be a while.
Just send the x-box to them and they will fix it warranty or not. Thats what my brother did.

Can't wait to spend a month waiting to play my fucking xbox again. YAY!
Ive been through 4 xbox 360's since launch.

My ps3 is still chuggin along from launch.

but then again I rarely turn on my ps3 cept to look at webpages on my tv when im too lazy to walk into my office. This xbox is starting to fuck up again, and im sure it will RRoD soon like it always has, since they keep sending me the same manufacturing date every time, maybe this time ill get lucky and get one that was made by someone who isn't a gay troll.