So.... Is America great again yet?

who gives a fuck about policy difference he's a better public speaker and has a longer record of real progressive action. goddamn are you retarded? questions questions questions about everything sorry for not writing a book in the first place


man letting you post is better than needing to respond

you prove how absolutely dishonest and full of shit you are, you know you are, with each new post.

"fuck policy difference"


cael couldn't troll this hard if he wanted to
wiglaf tryin reaaaal fuggin hard 2 rationalize him intellectual inferiority n bein a beta pussy cuck 4 life smdh lol :jester:

man letting you post is better than needing to respond

you prove how absolutely dishonest and full of shit you are, you know you are, with each new post.

"fuck policy difference"


cael couldn't troll this hard if he wanted to

sanders was electable, stein was not. didn't you claim the MSM is a wing of the DNC? that's only one sign of how out of touch you are.
Rust Belt: Hey we've got a few issues.
Democrats: HAHA fuck you vote blue.
Rust Belt: No seriously, we're hurting here.
Democrats: HAHAHA seriously stop it vote blue.
Rust Belt: We're not sure how much more we can take, it's seriously fucked up here.
Democrats: Check in next month.
Rust Belt: Hey there's this guy showing up here promising to help us and we're considering it.
Democrats: Yea right, no way we lose the Union vote, go Blue!
Rust Belt: Ok we've tried asking nicely, we've pleaded, we've begged, we need serious help here and you're arguing about misogyny while importing even more cheap labor! Seriously what the fuck!?
Democrats: Hello Florida Jews! Vote Blue!
Rust Belt: Fuck it, we're out.
he's not deporting people who are established here because the court system is clogged up. I hate seafood

You said he was deporting more than previous presidents.

That was shown to be a lie due to the fact that the way they count deportations was changed to make it seem more were being deported.
I bet Hillary is thinking she should have spent more time in overalls chewing on straw.
sanders was electable, stein was not. didn't you claim the MSM is a wing of the DNC? that's only one sign of how out of touch you are.

whatever u say amy schumer

Rigged Debates: Wikileaks Emails Confirm Media in Clinton’s Pocket

Clinton's people asked for all sorts of special treatment from the DNC and the press—and they got it

read them emails....we did

WikiLeaks’ DNC Email Leak Reveals Off The Record Media Correspondence

WikiLeaks released over 19,000 emails on Friday sent from the accounts of U.S. Democratic National Committee officials, including dozens of off the record media correspondence.

sorry dopey u don't know what u r sayin
he will burn down the whitehouse

I'm counting on Awbama to do that before january.. I mean.. He's the anti christ remember?!

FUck. Trump's not even in powah yet and I already miss having niggas running the most powerful country here in the western world.

omg.. what was I thinking

why did I support Trump

I feel so bad

It's like I've killed my own planet

And I didn't even vote

:cry: *liberal crying aff*

Sanders plz help us
I think Bernie wouldve beaten Trump.
So GG DNC.. you fucked yourself hard.

Also Wiglaf.. how does it feel to be wrong all the time? :lol:
I think Bernie wouldve beaten Trump.
So GG DNC.. you fucked yourself hard.

Also Wiglaf.. how does it feel to be wrong all the time? :lol:

Bernie would have beaten trump. Would have took the blue states, and the midwest. He pulled off the biggest primary 'comeback' in Michigan when polls had him I believe 7 down and won by 2. Largest swing recorded.

He spoke to the leftbehinds, not the ones who had. Trump did too. Difference is one party was begrudgingly forced to put him up. The other used every nondemocratic measure to force him into an ultimate irrelevancy.

Quite frankly with the introduction of AI, his socialist policies may be the answer in the near future for many areas.