so I'm a whiskey newb

God you're a pussy. JD taste fucking awesome. If you're too much a puss to man up, make your drink like 15-20% jack, and the rest coke. Keep doing that until the taste is better
"You're an idiot for not liking something that needs to be masked. If you don't like it now, spend several months densensitizing yourself to it so that you can like it later. Don't waste your time finding something that you actually enjoy."
"You're an idiot for not liking something that needs to be masked. If you don't like it now, spend several months densensitizing yourself to it so that you can like it later. Don't waste your time finding something that you actually enjoy."

"I don't believe palettes can be developed to appreciate different tastes. Anyone who tried a food or drink they didn't like at first and grew to like it wasted their time."

you're first problem is drinking jack daniels That shit can die in a fire.

Try buschmills. Drink that on the rocks alll night. It's great
Probably tates like shit to you because whisky is for MEN not little silky sissy girls - stick to light beer and bacardi breezers or something
wtf do I mix with this shit so it doesn't taste like gasoline?!? It's all I have right now :cry:

First of all it's Whisky, not scotch, and the Americans don't make it right. Mix it with a little water if you find the taste too strong or quit being a pussy and sip it.
Probably tates like shit to you because whisky is for MEN not little silky sissy girls - stick to light beer and bacardi breezers or something

havent done this with JD but it works great with VO and 7...

2 shots whiskey
approx. a shot of lemon juice
approx. a teaspoon of sugar (add more if you like it sweeter)

combine ^ in shaker with ice, shake, strain into glass...and you have a delicious whiskey sour.

add ginger ale into the glass also for a delicious whiskey sour punch.
I can't stand whiskey sours. I don't know if it's just the way my friend made them or what. It could also be my dislike for sour drinks.
beans only pussies cant drink sour stuff

beans or maybe i'm covering for my love affair with cherry vodka sours :(
I never believed in the myth of wanting to fight/get rowdy with everyone when you drink jack/whiskey...but somehow everytime i have ever drank whiskey, i have become like that (even before hearing such a thing)
when i drink jack, i vomit. when i drink soco, i vomit.
when i drink scotch, i'm happy
when i drink bourbon, i'm happy
when i drink cogniac, i'm happy
when i drink cheap beer, i vomit...

jack is so well marketed its rediculous lol