So I'm a Brit. What's with Ron Paul?

I support Ron Paul as well. He's an awesome candidate with an excellent set of values based on everything our nation was founded upon.

If you want more info beyond his website check youtube, it's full of videos of him in interviews and speeches.
Everyone I talk to. People from different classes, families, walks of life support Paul as well. I find it VERY strange he's sucking so bad in numbers. My parents are pretty staunch Catholic conservative Republicans and everyone they know are Paul supporters. I'm calling BS on some of his numbers.
Can a Republican really win?

edit: I should clairfy: I'm not looking for information about Ron Paul, I'm just curious as to how TW (as a certain cross-section of soceity [albeit a skewed one]) feels about him.
i personally dont like the idea of a party system or classifications

id love to revamp the entire voting and elections process to only allow people educated with the candidates and issues to vote, but i know somehow thatd be unconstitutional

i dunno

i wouldnt mind flexing a little govt muscle in exchange for more educated citizens and a probably better govt overall

ah well

we make do with what we have

i totally agree. Party politics blows and should be banned. This system is way antiquated. We have the technology to allow a representative actually represent his people. We shouldn't have to pick a person based on THEIR beliefs, we should pick a person who is willing to vote for OUR beliefs regardless of their own personal feelings.

The whole prcoess was initially put in place because the reps would get elected and then leave for a year by wagon to do their work in congress. It is ridiculous that we still elect someone for their own stance on issues and ship them off to washington. Take back the budgets they get, hire a team of people to set up a polling system so that the local people can participate more directly in the process which will make them more educated about what these people actually do.

Close up the captial, turn it in to a homeless shelter or soup kitchen, let the reps stay home where they belong....and watch as congress self cleans itself. There would be no more lobbying because there would be noone to buy since the reps actually vote the way the people tell them to. No more campaigning, lies, and no more general waste of everyone's time.

I hate politics. It gets me all riled up.
He is the only sensible candidate. He has the only sensible issue on foreign policy, his voting record is outstanding, he was a former doctor that delivered over 4000 babies, he wants to abolish the IRS, leave Iraq, start a non-interventionist policy and basically do what we should have been doing for a long time.

Everyone should vote for this man because it is absolutely beyond obvious that every other candidate is hanging from strings representing hidden priorities and not the people.
People want the truth and after destroying those morons in the first debates his support is gaining even more so.
Can a Republican really win?

edit: I should clairfy: I'm not looking for information about Ron Paul, I'm just curious as to how TW (as a certain cross-section of soceity [albeit a skewed one]) feels about him.

A republican will win this election because the country is not ready to elect a Nigger or Woman.
The 2 party system and the Electoral College make grass-roots campaigns impossible. Not to mention the campaign contribution bullshit. The first step is to get the dirty money out of their damn hands. Any way you can remove money from the equation of politics is a positive thing. It moves the the power back down the ladder and makes your single vote actually mean something. Vote on any and every political campaign fund bill that you can. If you can cheat and vote twice, do it.
If not, we have the Tankles that are Hillary.

Tankles = ankles that resemble military tanks.

oh god. My wife is voting for her simply because she is a woman. She, when quizzed, cannot tell me a single thing she stands for other than the default democrat spew. She thinks she is qualified because she was a first lady which is almost as bad as saying the son of a president is qualified to also be president.

I have no problem with a woman president....I do have a problem with someone who moves in to a state to fast track herself in to a run for the presidency. She doesn't give a fuck about NY and usually just says things that her audience of the day wants to hear even when she contradicts herself only days apart.
Those two will never be elected. If anyone does it would be Obama or Hillary, and I don't think this country has evolved enough to accept something that isn't a while male.
Those two will never be elected. If anyone does it would be Obama or Hillary, and I don't think this country has evolved enough to accept something that isn't a while male.

A Republican is NOT going to win. The American people have had enough of their bullshit. This is a total and complete attempt by the elite to widen the appeal of their puppet candidates. You can quote me now that Hillary or Barack will win.

For example, if the minorities are voting heavy in 2020 they can put in a minority candidate they can control to max out their votes. Black, white, female, Martian. It doesn't matter at all if they are hand-picked and are controlled by the RICH. The Ultra-Rich have it rigged and have always had it rigged since Eisenhower. You could put a friggin chimp in office and you'd never know the difference.

Why do you think Kennedy was the last President to promote politics that was popular with the people? An elected official is supposed to promote the WILL of the people. It wasn't long ago that if a President or Senator didn't fullfull the will of his constituants he was completely DONE in politics. His career was OVER!! Now it's common practice. Bush's approval rating is the lowest of any Presidents ever, the polls say the the people want out of Iraq, we want our freedoms back. He just ignores it all and does what he want. "Fuck em'" is what he thinks. "What do the fucking people know, not a goddamned thing." This is what he thinks.
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A Republican is NOT going to win. The American people have had enough of their bullshit. This is a total and complete attempt by the elite to widen the appeal of their puppet candidates. You can quote me now that Hillary or Barack will win.

For example, if the minorities are voting heavy in 2020 they can put in a minority candidate they can control to max out their votes. Black, white, female, Martian. It doesn't matter at all if they are hand-picked and are controlled by the RICH. The Ultra-Rich have it rigged and have always had it rigged since Eisenhower. You could put a friggin chimp in office and you'd never know the difference.

You're an idiot.
He's the candidate that should win, hands down.

But he's not black, he's not a women, so it probably won't happen.

He stands for ruling this country the way it legally should be; he stands for a federal government that CANNOT take the tax dollars you owe out of your checking account, digitally; he stands for keeping America's nose out of places it does not belong; he stands for an American America.

Yet the slanted and biased attack him and his principles like they will bring about the end of the world.

And the media ignores him, because he is not what will sell ad spots, he is not what the corporations that own the media stand for, he is not what the forces that control America want.






ron paul


