so if there's a heaven, what is it like? if not, what happens to you when you die?

Bottom line is that no-one knows what the fuck happens after you die. Anyone that says they know what happens is kidding themselves.

Most of the time, people think about the next life coz they're too chicken to do what they know they're supposed to do in this one.
I wenty to a kids graduation party that had big daddy's (a spicey food place that pays money for people to eat hottest food kinda place) and many gallons of dip-n-dots.

That my friends, was heaven.
To think that our bodies...all our organs that work together..everything in our body working to sustain us, our reproduction and everything we experience came from a big explosion in lunacy...
thats not so much lunacy, if the elastic universe theory works. its more lunacy to think that the explosion started on its own
opsayo said:
thats not so much lunacy, if the elastic universe theory works. its more lunacy to think that the explosion started on its own

also that the earth is completly balanced with seasons and other natural things that happen, all because of an explosion without any outside influence is also crazy. If there was an explosion God had a hand in it.
Fancy Cat said:
i hardly believe that my SOUL came about solely upon evolution and cells and electricity ect ect. there has to be a greater set of powers out there other than physics and chemistry that gave me the ability to reason and think and make concious descions...

Get over it.

You know how stupid you think the idea of heaven is?

That's how stupid this sounds.
Tahnit said:
also that the earth is completly balanced with seasons and other natural things that happen, all because of an explosion without any outside influence is also crazy. If there was an explosion God had a hand in it.

Ok fanatic.
My actual opinion is that after you die, you probably have more to do in some kind of dreamlike spirit world, cus that's how this bitchy shit works. :)

I'd love to think that when you die, you are dead, but I don't think you'll be let off that easy. I think there will be a period of time where Karma will have it's way with you. If you actually get to rest when you die, I should be so lucky.

I also think that perhaps most people's concepts of heaven and hell are prolly not terribly off. If there is an afterlife, it is probably similar, but with a huge twist. Perhaps the afterlife is simply what you make it, forging your own heaven or hell. *shrug*
Tahnit said:
also that the earth is completly balanced with seasons and other natural things that happen, all because of an explosion without any outside influence is also crazy. If there was an explosion God had a hand in it.

Your boat being sunk by a flying cow is crazy, winning the national lottery twice or more is crazy (Top price I mean), people surviving 5 inch metal rods thrusted through their heads and brains is crazy. Yet all this has happened.

An unimaginable number of worlds... All this (life, and everything else) isn't that improbable if you think about it. It's just like the lottery, the chance is incredibly small, and noone expects to win, but still, someone wins every week. We're the result of a winner planet.
Fyre Knight said:
Where's the fun in that?

well its not meant to be fun (in your view of fun now) God created man to serve and worship him, if you truly loved God that is waht you would want to do.
no god, no heaven, no hell. when you die thats it. there is no soul that assends to a higher plane of existance. there is no reincarnation. every living thing dies alone.
Automatic Jack said:
I like to think of myself as immortal, living forever in the past. Your acts are your permanent impression on the universe. Heaven and hell are places where you are, not where you go. And when you die, all that is left of you is the heaven or hell you created in the past from your own will, for yourself and those around you.

thats pretty can I choose that one?
Elg said:
Your boat being sunk by a flying cow is crazy, winning the national lottery twice or more is crazy (Top price I mean), people surviving 5 inch metal rods thrusted through their heads and brains is crazy. Yet all this has happened.

An unimaginable number of worlds... All this (life, and everything else) isn't that improbable if you think about it. It's just like the lottery, the chance is incredibly small, and noone expects to win, but still, someone wins every week. We're the result of a winner planet.

I could understand if some things were balanced and most were flawed but look at this. We are balanced in that we have systems in our bodies that work together to keep us alive. We have a system of reproduction that drives us to procreate and gives us a good feeling while doing so. That a woman has the ability to carry a baby in her for months and months..all the while feeding it while she eats. We have seaons on this earth and everything is balanced in nature. We have a consciousness. We think and feel, we have emotions. We have tears that flow when we cry.

All that from a random explosion in unthinkable to me.
Tahnit said:
To think that our bodies...all our organs that work together..everything in our body working to sustain us, our reproduction and everything we experience came from a big explosion in lunacy...

That would probably be because evolution and the big bang have absolutely nothing to do with each other?

Tahnit said:
also that the earth is completly balanced with seasons and other natural things that happen, all because of an explosion without any outside influence is also crazy. If there was an explosion God had a hand in it.

There are countless millions of galaxies, a trillion trillion stars, and hundreds of billions of planets. I hardly think that earth being able to support carbon based life (as we know it) is anything special in the Universe. Hell, even Mars is almost habitable, our solar system alone came close to having 2 planets capable of supporting carbon based life.

All of the planets, asteroids, and meteors in our solar system are the result of previous supernovas of the sun. We know that our sun is a third generation star, the planets are the accumulation of the heavier elements expulsed from the original stars. The creation of the planets in our solar system isn't anything special. The chances are, there are hundreds of billions of other 3rd generation stars in the Universe, all of which would probably have solar systems much like ours complete with planets, some of which will probably be the right distance from their sun to support life.
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