So if Biden is elected

yikes man

I've seen some bad takes by Conservatives this week, regarding Kabbalah Harris VP pick, which most of us knew about over two weeks ago when they sneak peak leaked it, but this one takes the gay wedding cake for me.

I mean this is up there with the conservaderps bitching that she was a cop and locked up a bunch of black people........OMG SHE IS RACIST BLACK LADY

I mean this country is in constant civil unrest. We watch real time societal destruction and decline of the entire Pacific Northwest nightly. Watch as Chicago becomes more like Detroit and Ferguson every night.



I'm sold tbh.......

now you going with leftists are the real nazis? antifa brown shirts like humdumpin are the real fascists?

fucking kill me now



I mean this is why Conservatives get beat so bad......why the GOP is dead imo.

They take a moral framework from progressives, that everyone knows they don't believe themselves, yet alone adhere to, and then bend over backwards to hold onto that house of cards (that their enemy built) as they get their teeth kicked in.

It's the most pitiful and sad display in politics today and to see it go away, because no amount of pandering will ever work for the GOP again, regardless of how hard they do this, might be worth an all but inevitable Biden victory (which I am more than predicting)


I mean this policy is the only thing that is ever certain in US POLITICS

So all is well.......I'd mock them all basically converting to Judaism.

But Trump's family already did that and if it isn't Jared Kushner running things it's Yael, once born his favorite daughter Ivanka, twisting him around his finger.

well, tbf i said leftists, like leftist voters, not actual rich democrat politicians running these leftist voters.
i know you "feel" that kamala should have said something other than what she did, but this is a case where feelings aren't required. you just need a basic grasp of english, 90 seconds to listen to a fumbling answer, and curiosity whether a vp candidate actually said she wants to ban americans from eating meat.

that's a lot to expect from the american voter, but it's something i'm happy to give. if you don't rationally comprehend your opponents, you end up like vanster, chasing phantom evangelical goblins.

i don't understand why you took the time to prove or disprove the words of a politician who clearly doesn't even bother to subscribe to any of her own bullshit

or as we call it Talmudic pipul

I mean she is the type of person who spent her career locking up pot growers and smokers and sellers

Kamala Locked Up More People for Weed Than We Thought

only to later brag about how she smoked refer while listening to snoop dog and tupac like all the rest of us

I mean this is actually more laughable than the old "I SMOKED BUT DIDN"T INHALE" idiocy from just a few short decades ago.

I would legit rather listen to Donald Trump preach to me about abstinence or faithfulness than what she has to say about basically any topic (which can be so easily contradicted with her own words and actions seconds later).

Also: PS....Oddly enough.......Susan Rice, Kamala Harris, and Karen Bass (all the suspected black + female VP picks) all had parents that were attending and or professors at Cal State Berkeley during the same mid 60's Civil Rights time era.

As if the voting pool wasn't small enough already?

what are these odds?

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well, tbf i said leftists, like leftist voters, not actual rich democrat politicians running these leftist voters.

in the end we can either have a color blind, equal opportunity, meritocracy

aka our Republic, for which it once stood

or we can have a highly segregated and favoritism based one where we only care and me and mine

globo homo socialism or pretend national socialism (best case)

but we can't have both.......and one side is very much gaining ground and winning

I find this funny because it is true. Not a joke to be found in here.

and oddly enough Jews enabled this race baiting and profit the most off of it but also feel very upset that in the end it 100% bites them in the ass again.....and again

110 different countries.....and in most of these countries over a dozen different times

we couldn't have antisemitism without excessively Semitic behavior

for that reason I am very glad outside Jewish money couldn't unseat Ilhan Omar and they actually have to stew in what it is refuge first little Mogadishu policy has created there.

I just want to hear Kamala's stance on reparations and slavery

Did U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris Ancestor Own Slaves in Jamaica?

While studying for his Ph.D. at the University of California at Berkeley, he met Shyamala Gopalan, an Indian cancer researcher. The couple were married, and their daughter, the future California Attorney General and U.S. Senator, was born in Berkeley in 1964. Harris and her sister, Maya, are therefore first-generation American citizens, born in the U.S. to a Jamaican father and Indian mother.

In his Jamaica Global article, Harris claimed to be descended from the 19th-century planter and slave owner Hamilton Brown. He wrote:

“My roots go back, within my lifetime, to my paternal grandmother Miss Chrishy (née Christiana Brown, descendant of Hamilton Brown who is on record as plantation and slave owner and founder of Brown’s Town) and to my maternal grandmother Miss Iris (née Iris Finegan, farmer and educator, from Aenon Town and Inverness, ancestry unknown to me). The Harris name comes from my paternal grandfather Joseph Alexander Harris, land-owner and agricultural ‘produce’ exporter (mostly pimento or all-spice), who died in 1939 one year after I was born and is buried in the church yard of the magnificent Anglican Church which Hamilton Brown built in Brown’s Town (and where, as a child, I learned the catechism, was baptized and confirmed, and served as an acolyte).” [Emphasis is added].

There is no doubt that Hamilton Brown was a prominent plantation owner in Jamaica during the first half of the 19th century, owned slaves, and also advocated against the abolition of slavery and sought to downplay the difficult working and living conditions of slaves in Jamaica.

However, we have been unable to verify that a line of descent exists between the modern-day Harris family and the 19th-century slave owner. As such, the claim that an ancestor of Sen. Harris owned slaves in Jamaica remains unproven. If evidence emerges that verifies that line of descent, we will update this fact check accordingly.

Snopes doesn't even believe her own father......except when he gave his little speech.


I mean the fact she knows her father at all, had a father, proves that she couldn't possibly be "that" black right?

I just want to hear more about her growing up in poverty and the systemic racism of a poor little girl (first in her family to be born an American citizen) making it to DA of our most powerful State and then VP a heart skip away from President.

I mean this kind of rags to riches talk is peak demonstrating my own white privilege for sure.

As last in line to get a scholarship, an AA/EO job, home loan, or anything else except an ever growing tax bill.
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do u think she'll keep jared on ??

she might as well

i mean i doubt Biden and her can find never trumpers more disloyal to Trump.......than Trump can


at the end of it all Biden will mouth puppet whatever Kamala (and her actual (((handlers))) tell them to say) while doing the opposite.

and Trump will say the opposite, while doing nothing, or just promising to MONITOR THE SITUATION some more.

good cop bad cop all the way to get to pick which side of the Twix bar is bettter

leftists fighting for China to control us......people to the right Russia

what the fuck is the difference in the end IDK anymore

I don't care

globalism vs. nationalism?




Give me Tik Tok and Wechat or give me death at this point

its about to be even more of a shit show because even if trump doesnt get reelected he wont accept it and will claim voter fraud, hes been planting that for a while

This is your coming defense?
There will be voter fraud and it will be massive this year and the election will be contested on both sides,
but it will be the DimoCraps who have criminally tried to steal it.

Russia Gate is provably real, may not be easy for idiots to follow, but it''s provably real and you fuckers won't accept that. Damn right we're going to call you out when Dims and you usefuls try to steal this election.

You couldn't even run your primaries
to find out who truly controls you

who actually rules over you

who owns you

find out who you are not legally allowed to talk ill at all about

even BLM is told to shut the fuck up when they point to their Jewish team owners or producers.

you can burn cities and loot and demand money from whit folk......but don't mention little hats again

:rofl: nigga you only second class for life to these "white folks"

and there isn't a person left, a goyim awake, who isn't aware of that by now.

but fight over Soros vs. Adler all the way to their growing bank accounts

I don't care.......most of you really are cattle

and serve them, nor me, any other purpose beyond that
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This is your coming defense?
There will be voter fraud and it will be massive this year and the election will be contested on both sides,
but it will be the DimoCraps who have criminally tried to steal it.

Russia Gate is provably real, may not be easy for idiots to follow, but it''s provably real and you fuckers won't accept that. Damn right we're going to call you out when Dims and you usefuls try to steal this election.

You couldn't even run your primaries

guys voter fraud is impossible now

i mean they just spent the past 3 years arguing that Russia stole the election

but suddenly it isn't possible to hack it anymore

The State Department’s Rewards for Justice program is offering a reward of up to $10 million for information regarding individuals who work for or with foreign governments to interfere in U.S. federal, state, or local elections.

Rewards for Justice – Reward Offer for Information on Foreign Interference in U.S. Elections

I mean I got some ideas but they not seeming to care for some reason?


I mean even China and Saudi Arabia doesn't seem to make their priority cut either????

This must be like that time OJ offered money to find his wifes killer.
The Democrats rig their own internal elections... why should they not do the same for a national election?

Biden is absolutely corrupt... as corrupt, if not more so, than the Clintons are.

Everyone claims that Trump is corrupt... but no one has produced credible evidence that has stood up to scrutiny leaving the question of it in doubt.

However, a growing list of accusations and credible evidence mounts against the Clintons and the Bidens that supports them having actually done corrupt and unscrupulous things in violation of their oaths of office. The Durham Report is coming and I think a lot of interesting things are in the offering that will surprise a lot of people and leave others reeling in denial..

What if the Durham Report comes out with damning evidence of Biden breaking the law, maybe even an indictment of the Bidens... Forcing Uncle Joe (once again) to end his bid for President in shame. Then Harris just steps in as Hillary 2.0, despite no one voting for her to be the nominee... and there will be people who'd vote for her simply so they can revel in the idea of America electing its' first Female (Black) President. It'll be a 2016 do-over, a means of forgetting the trauma of the nightmare.

Imagine if Biden somehow actually won and was elected President and then was removed from office... then President Harris, someone even Democrats didn't vote for, takes office....
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sorry tele your message has fallen on deaf ears we're all waiting on the durham report now
Tele soros is laughing on his yacht


4d chess by Soros we are just pawns in the game
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you had ONE JOB, hitler

the shitty thing about that guy

is when you study enough you actually wish the stories were true

instead you find a work camp with wooden doors

and stories from survivors who talked about roller death coasters and machines that jerked prisoners off to death


everything we know is bullshit

and we can't begin to ever argue a truth or fact based reality until we can learn to accept that

Man who lectured to pupils about Auschwitz admits he was never a prisoner there | The Independent

our history destroyed


while con artists build and fabricate their own abroad with our money

A group of Jews leverage the office of the Secretary of State to bully European governments into preserving Jewish landmarks abroad, and this group is called the "US Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage."

And US taxpayers pay all of their expenses. Spurious.




this is as close to MAGA and nationalism we will ever expereince

and none of that changes under Biden
you should watch the video because what she actually says is that she supports changing the national dietary guidelines to recommend healthier eating habits (and nothing further). the federal government has published these dietary guidelines every five years since 1980, and no honest person would call them "regulation".

harris also says in the video she likes eating burgers and doesn't want to ban meat, so the pork chop gotcha makes no sense. the link is 100% fake news.

2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines |
^this is the document which your story terms "regulation". it could not by any conceivable standard be considered law. it is clearly intended as a public service to help americans avoid obesity, diabetes, & heart disease, which are severe illnesses widespread in this country. is updating these guidelines a critical government function? no. i highly doubt it is effective. but it would hardly be a socialist revolutionary undertaking for the biden admin.
Well, that's what I get for not sitting through her blahblahblah and accepting what the article said.

even soros can't believe in 4 years trump lost the house about to lose the presidency and maybe even the senate and to think they just wanted 8 years of hillary
even soros can't believe in 4 years trump lost the house about to lose the presidency and maybe even the senate and to think they just wanted 8 years of hillary

You gotta admit it almost worked out better for soros he gets complete control over the gov presidency house senste for another 8 to 12 years

And trump basically did all his miga work via jared anyway
every attempt for any nation to be like Rome

or even care about themselves at all

at the detriment of the IMF

the USA via CIA and DoD have destroyed

and now that list now includes ourselves


we reap what we sow
