So, I tried a new energy drink

apparently you got no tolerance at all since you got a seizure from 185mg
After doing some math, it probably wasn't just the caffeine, but it probably kicked it off. Vitamin B6 today, roughly 82mg of it, and B12, just about 1.2mg.

As I said, it has 2000mg of ginseng listed. In the ingredients list, ginseng is listed behind caffeine. Ingredients are supposed to be listed by weight, but apparently they have somehow circumvented this.
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Can someone answer me why people drink energy drinks? Is it like drinking beer for people who have some objection to beer or something? Or is it that people just like fucking themselves up on stupid, painfully unhealthy crap?

edit: And don't tell me it's because you need to "stay awake". I don't drink any caffeine of any kind (well, very rarely), and I can stay awake just fine. Unless you're a truck driver you really don't need that stuff.

I have sleep apnea and while I use the machine to deal with it, its only about 90% effective and I have always had trouble getting going in the morning.

I usually drink a 16oz Monster or Rockstar (sugar free ones only) in the morning on the way to work. It helps.

Sometimes I get one in the afternoon, but not that often. The Rockstar zero carb is the best - great taste and more caff than most. If I sleep badly I feel like hell in the morning and there have been times I have drank a 24oz Rockstar (around 360mg I think) Thats a good jolt, but its not without consequences.

On top of the Edrink, I drink 2-4 cups of coffee at work.

Caffeine; Facts

This guy says a 3200mg dove given intravenously (accident) was the lowest known fatal dose - most pages report 5000mg but who is to say?

If a drink has even 750 in it, I would be concerned - young people do dumb things - I once drank 3 jolt colas in 10 minutes for $20 and I am sure people take it a lot farther.

Most drinks say something like dont have more than 2 or 3 per day.

I see regulation in the not too distant future - maybe 5 years - imo.