So, I tried a new energy drink

And it made me feel like I was going to die. They tout it as having 2000mg of Ginseng. What they do not tell you, and I found out after I drank it, and examined the label, is that caffeine is listed before ginseng on the ingredients list. Basically, it has at least 2000mg of caffeine it it, possibly more.

After about two hours, I felt like I was on a nice bit of speed. After about 3.5 hours, I started noticing severe jitters and odd tension in my chest, waves of nausea, and a must unsettling feeling that if things continued, I might suffer some very real consequences. At the peak, my heart rate was slightly over 130 bpm.

Needless to say, I probably won't be sleeping tonight. Unless more of that caffeine hits and I die from heart failure. But it does taste good.

2000mg caffeine? i call bullshit

How much caffeine is in the Screamin Energy®

Screamin Energy has the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee. Screamin Energy® is our max hit in our liquid line.

How much Caffeine is in your Liquid and Screamin Energy Products?

Vital 4U® Liquid Energy® - 135mg
Screamin Energy® - 185mg

sounds like you're just a big pussy
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They have three variants on the Screamin Energy, and they also have caffeine listed above ginseng, which they claim to have 2000mg of.

I was just going on what I read on the bottle. Something in that drink made me fucking wig out.

I drink a lot of energy drinks, and this has not once happened before.

Actually, I suppose it could be due to the inordinate amount of B vitamins I've had today.
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Can someone answer me why people drink energy drinks? Is it like drinking beer for people who have some objection to beer or something? Or is it that people just like fucking themselves up on stupid, painfully unhealthy crap?

edit: And don't tell me it's because you need to "stay awake". I don't drink any caffeine of any kind (well, very rarely), and I can stay awake just fine. Unless you're a truck driver you really don't need that stuff.

after about 6 straight hours of studying your brain starts to go numb
a huge caffeine rush will perk you up in about 10 minutes and you'll be good to go for another 5 hours

although i quit the caffeine and i take piracetem now (nootropic). check it out on wiki its a wonder drug. i can read something once and memorize it.
And it made me feel like I was going to die. They tout it as having 2000mg of Ginseng. What they do not tell you, and I found out after I drank it, and examined the label, is that caffeine is listed before ginseng on the ingredients list. Basically, it has at least 2000mg of caffeine it it, possibly more.

After about two hours, I felt like I was on a nice bit of speed. After about 3.5 hours, I started noticing severe jitters and odd tension in my chest, waves of nausea, and a must unsettling feeling that if things continued, I might suffer some very real consequences. At the peak, my heart rate was slightly over 130 bpm.

Vital4U , Screamin Energy® Shot

Needless to say, I probably won't be sleeping tonight. Unless more of that caffeine hits and I die from heart failure. But it does taste good.

uhh the site says 2000 ginsing not caf
after about 6 straight hours of studying your brain starts to go numb
a huge caffeine rush will perk you up in about 10 minutes and you'll be good to go for another 5 hours

although i quit the caffeine and i take piracetem now (nootropic). check it out on wiki its a wonder drug. i can read something once and memorize it.

wow i'm going to have to pick that up sounds promising! Thanks buize
Yeah the energy drinks you buy from supplement stores and shit should be taken off the fucking market (Redline for example. It's basically same thing you drank i think)

Either that or they should have a huge warning on the front that says "MAY CAUSE HEART ATTACK". They're dangerous as fuck.
Redline is quite amazing, but i recommend drinking it on a full stomach and doing it in a safe place with friends.