So I lost my stuff in a flash flood last night

:heart: good luck wif it sucks 2 be u though but one question.. circuit breakers are usually kept in basements that are finished how are you posting?
ViRtuOsity said:
:heart: good luck wif it sucks 2 be u though but one question.. circuit breakers are usually kept in basements that are finished how are you posting?

Duh, he went to his mother in-laws.
Sorry to hear about your night mourn, I live in Pittsburgh, lastnight was the worst flooding in this area in over 25 years. I spent the night driving through several feet of water on the roads, dodging fallen trees, rock and mud slides. saw cars floating down the highway in 5 feet of water. Helped a friend with their mom's flooding basement saving shit. I can say with certainty I almost died a few times last night. good luck on getting your stuff replaced though. Not normal weather for this area at all...
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Concerning the flood. FEMA will be around during the cleanup to help. Even though you don't have flood insurance it is very likely that you will get some sort of compensation, we did.
Heres some pics:Flood Damage

My laptop didn't make it so I have to post from work. I'm in the process of trying to restore the laptop. The water didn't get into the harddrive or up to the processor, so all I have to deal with is the dvd-rom, battery and keyboard.