So.....detached retina

Yeah my eyesight is shitawful. Like -7.75. Next level up from a white stick or a Labrador.

What the fuck are you doing on here dipshit. You need to be killing yourself as you're already blind, and it's too late to fix. Much like your twat demeanor and bollocks life.
Apparently they cut my eye open, reattach the retina, "glue" it with a laser then put in a gas bubble to hold it in place until it heals. Body reabsorbs glass bubble over 10-14 days. 90%+ success rate.

Mom did this. It’s really miserable to be honest. Trying to keep the bubble in place and the stress of knowing that if it doesn’t you may be blind is rough. Best of luck!
Not great, but she poked her eye with a knife cutting into a box so her damage was more than just a detached retina.
contrary to popular belief, cut towards yourself, not away.

people screw up using knives its so embarassing.

a sharp knife is a safe knife
I had a detached retina a long time ago after a head injury. I "saw" a specialist for a few weeks and I guess it reattached itself.
Wow, and today I joined the city gym to get in shape. Only $10 a month. They have new weight lifting machines and exercise equipment. I'm taking it easy since I just started.
The trick is to try to keep the bubble level. You can practice this in the bathtub by taking a Tupperware bowl with you.

Fill the tub. Then, submerge the Tupperware into the water in an upside down position with the lid removed. Now, fart in the tub and try to catch the bubble in the Tupperware and keep it centered without touching the edges for 10-14 days.
Wow, and today I joined the city gym to get in shape. Only $10 a month. They have new weight lifting machines and exercise equipment. I'm taking it easy since I just started.

His detachment wasn't from lifting Robert. He's got a condition called Karma, and it's circling back to balance the universe. Balancing the universe is important and midxe should really kill himself.
I'm sticking by vaxx
which is kinda karma
I love how the study is using 'covid patients ' as the control group...
patients,,, as in people on ventilators and remdisver hahaha F
Commonly results from sudden impact/jolt like in a car accident. A friend had it from an unknown reason. Had a patch for a while. Recovered.
Damn, good luck mate. I’m near sighted so now I’ll be overthinking occupational lifting now, which I do daily, thanks