(SO) Americans.........how many people do you know that are in jail?

I accidentally clicked submit before I typed my response. Sincere apologies, it will not happen again. Ever.

Notice how you prove the above quote correct. Also, your attitude about how it's not right but doesn't affect you is the same kind of attitude people have had and still have that have allowed atrocities throughout history to happen. Gratz.

Do you spend your entire life campaigning against everything that is wrong with this world, even though it doesn't affect you personally in any way?

Nah, me neither.
Notice how you prove the above quote correct. Also, your attitude about how it's not right but doesn't affect you is the same kind of attitude people have had and still have that have allowed atrocities throughout history to happen. Gratz.
you're a JW who obsesses over some nerd's youtube channel

your opinions are null & void
my cousin is in jail for something drug-related

one of my ex girlfriends had criminal charges against her for bne but I'm not sure how that turned out

my other cousin was in the brig for a bit because he had undiagnosed bipolar, but now hes fine
Gotta love how a MitchDubai thread backfired yet again.

True story. I started a topic on a serious point, and got 5 pages of rinse / repeat drivel in return. If that's how a backfire works, then yeah, great backfire. Or something.
Do you spend your entire life campaigning against everything that is wrong with this world, even though it doesn't affect you personally in any way?

Nah, me neither.

I can tell you I don't turn a blind eye to it while saying it doesn't matter because it doesn't affect me.
I can tell you I don't turn a blind eye to it while saying it doesn't matter because it doesn't affect me.

Let me just quote myself here. "Is it wrong? Yes. Does it affect me? No.". The bit where I said it didn't matter exists only in your head, where clearly there is lots of space for it to roam around.