Sniper rifle's suck 50% of the time

Flatscan said:
Grapple = good

Definitely agreed if, like someone in the thread said, they whip you around in circles & let you hang, but do NOT pull you forward. Anyway yeah, uh... how about that sniper rifle.
I like the laser rifle the way that it is [T2], it works well enough. Sure it can get abused, but so can anything else.

I like the sound of having to hold the button to charge and release to fire though.. that would make sniping much much easier...
How does giving away the guys position with making the rifle emit some light solve anything? Most of the time you have a pretty good idea where the o-sniper is. If some guy on offense is sitting behind a hill oob, and pops out and takes 3 seconds to snipe you, then pops behind a hill, it wont solve anything. First, odds are you wont see him the first few times. Second, you STILL have to send a guy out there to kill him unless you want to have all of your guys on d with laser rifles stare out into oob land waiting for the guy to pop his head up. Third, making it so d sniper can easily take him out yet everyone else has to run out there to kill him is retarded. Dont make it so only 1 weapon can defeat 1 retarded tactic.

My last locational suggestion is simply taking the age-old idea of giving the weapon a finite amout of ammo (which makes o-sniping a tad less annoying) and having it automatically recharge when you are near bases so it will work just like the rifle in t1 unless you are sniping miles away from a base, where you only have a limited amount of shots till you return to one.

I doubt anyone will even notice the change, except for people who go o-sniping.
Locke355 said:
I am trying to keep the weapon relatively useless in the boonies. I love using the rifle, and i used to use it all the time while at the enemy base, and while on offense. I just didn't use it with 20x zoom from a hill that no one could see. My attempt (by making it work around bases for ammo regen [note that means enemy bases too]) is to remove the people who sit out in nowheresville and snipe for 25 minutes. With limited ammo out there, they can't do that and at the VERY LEAST have to run to some form of base to get ammo, where you can kill them or they burn time.

Maybe as a side note, all energy objects should be limited by a server setting so that inventory stations etc can't be located beyond X mm by default(a little further than OOB)
Thrax Panda said:
One of the great things about Tribes is that when close combat starts it's not usually over in an instant, and both parties usually get several shots off. You can see your attacker, and you can actually predict his actions based on where he's going, what he tends to do, what weapon he has out, etc...

With the sniper rifle that all goes out the window. one minute you're doing fine with 80% or 90% health, the next you're dead. For the person who's dead, that wasn't a fun battle. It's never fun to get killed by somebody who you didn't know was there (don't get me started on the cloaking pack & shocklance combo...). For the sniper it was fun. OOB snipers love that, and many play the game just for the fun of picking off some poor schmuck who never saw them. That's fine (I hate you all, but it's still fine).

On the other hand, in a match, a capper knows where the snipers are likely to be, when they're likely to shoot him, and what he needs to do to avoid getting sniped. At that point it's again a fair battle, and when the red line goes just past the side of your head and you drop down over the hill still breathing it's a good feeling. When they get you, you don't feel cheated, because you knew they were there, and you just didn't quite do your job right. At least the D-Snipers are honest about their job.

With the speed that Tribes embraces, there really does need to be something like the sniper rifle. It doesn't need to be hit scan, but it should be very fast, and very powerful (but not 100% deadly).

So the key is balancing the need for the sniper on D with the annoyance of the sniper on O Lucky for me, that's not my job. :)

BTW, all you O-Snipers can cry that it's a legit tactic all you want, it won't make us hate you any less, even though you're right. The weapon exists so you can use it - just don't expect the rest of us to talk to you at LANs.

I <3 this man. I cant wait for T:V sounds better everytime I hear more about it ;)
Make it so that the rate of charge on the rifle depends on how close you are to your team's generators. An OOB or O-sniper wouldn't get to fire as often as a D-sniper.
What I don't like about the locational thing is, playing midfield can be a valid tactic. You may disagree with that, but I don'r like the idea of limiting tactics based on community made rules for pubs.

The idea behind a laser sight thing is that people don't like (or at least my personal preference) not knowing they're going to be hit.

I do realize it's not always good to change things that work though. My problem is once I've locked onto an idea, it's hard to consider someone else's.
Sir Lucius said:
What I don't like about the locational thing is, playing midfield can be a valid tactic. You may disagree with that, but I don'r like the idea of limiting tactics based on community made rules for pubs.

First.. you are missing that this could be a simple setting turned off for competitive matches, or even for pubs that dont care for it.

You can still play midfield.. you just have to go back for ammo every once in a while. You dont even need to go back to the base or an inven, just within XX feet of the base to fully recharge your ammo for the rifle. Hell you can go to the enemy base if you want. I said it recharges at any bases, that DOES NOT mean just your team's base.

If the map was something like SB, midfield would still get charged based on the midfield towers (your team and the enemy teams both recharge you) on SB being there. Same would apply on maps like raindance where both teams have plasma turrets mid field. You would still be in charge range because non-deployable, fixed objects are there denoting base positions. On a map like RC, you would lose automatic regen on the middle small hill midmap, so either you deal with the limited number of shots you have, and ski 1 hill back to base to regen, or you extend the regen range to be between both bases on a map. Like an alley of regen. If this doesn't make sense, i'll draw a map when I get home. (obviously this alley between two bases idea is dependent on bases in tv being like t1.. or there being 1 single base per team)

The idea behind a laser sight thing is that people don't like (or at least my personal preference) not knowing they're going to be hit.

When you guys talk about this, i am thinking of something like lense reflection in real life, where the scope shines and gives away the snipers position. Not like a giant fucking arrow over his head that all can see. If my assumption on what you mean is correct, the problem with this is that it doesn't solve the problem. A good o-sniper (which amounts to someone with the IQ of a banana and 3 hours of playtime) will poke his head around a hill.. find his target on zoom-in.. quickly change to rifle.. fire... and change back. Unless you are looking right at him, you wont see him fire.

The real question is this - What is more annoying to you: not knowing you are going to be hit.. or knowing you are going to be hit and the only thing you can do about it is ski 30 seconds into the middle of nowhere to stop a guy who will be back in 60?
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GOod way to lose the o-sniping problem: Have a defense built in with the generators that counter-act the energy cells in the rifle, rendering it useless when you get too close to the enemy base. This defense, like all others, can be nullified when the generators are taken out.
I don't like weapon delays at all. T2 had too much of that.

Anyway, another idea, which may help with performance, is that by controlling the server settings, you could control how big the map area is. Example, in t1 you could go on for a long ways past OOB however the map did end at a certain distance. Now with small maps, that distance is really not necessary so the server admin could set (and store) the map size so that the map ends at or past the first large mountain past the OOB area. On a flat area with the same area as the first example, the map could end feet from the OOB area. What this does is prevents anyone from setting OOB bases, OOB sniping etc. Of course, this could and should be disabled for match play. However for pubs, the setting could help in cases where the teams might be uneven and there may be a few O-snipers taking shots from a hill or mountain.

In any case, the idea should help with server performance and should also allow admins to select whether they want to see OOB play, limited OOB play or even no OOB play.
Kendo said:
How about a new boundary line, a cirle around your base that only snipers may stay in and if they leave it they cant snipe.

To me that would be kinda stupid all the time, but you could make this a server option.

Turn on/off depending on what the players are doing. If there's too much OOB and Camping snipers, just turn on "base proximity sniping" and the boundary is activated.

Whatever happens, I dont really mind. Spam is spam, OOB sniping is what it is. It doesnt make me that mad.

God dammit. That'll teach me for only reading the first page before replying.
Locke355 said:
When you guys talk about this, i am thinking of something like lense reflection in real life, where the scope shines and gives away the snipers position. Not like a giant fucking arrow over his head that all can see. If my assumption on what you mean is correct, the problem with this is that it doesn't solve the problem. A good o-sniper (which amounts to someone with the IQ of a banana and 3 hours of playtime) will poke his head around a hill.. find his target on zoom-in.. quickly change to rifle.. fire... and change back. Unless you are looking right at him, you wont see him fire.

More like a targeting laser is what I was thinking. That's only for the hold down to charge idea (which I know you don't like either).
Thrax Panda said:
The pink explosive gas would solve the problem.

listen you old fart.. the only reason you didn't care about o-sniping was you had quality LD around you while you played who were all good with the rifle.

That being said.. when do we start working on the vomit particle effects?
New grenade type = Body Glitter

When activated, you cover yourself in body glitter, which results in looking fabulous, and having laser immunity for 3 seconds.

edit: Hmm, I think this idea was already mentioned in one form or another. I should really read before replying.
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Slurp said:
New grenade type = Body Glitter

When activated, you cover yourself in body glitter, which results in looking fabulous...

People just came into my office to see what the hell I was laughing about. :)

I think the green glitter would go best with the pink gas.
top it all off with special leather chaps body "armor", as well as new tribe Blue Oyster, who have "triumphant" music play everytime one enters their Blue Oyster base.
i dunno, you seam to be the expert on that sort of thing!


Blue Oyster was from the Police Academy movies...the gay biker bar that they always ended up in