SlushieZ - let's predict

Obviously. You're kind of funny, in that "I'm going to tell everyone I'm busy with stuff when I'm really not and act like I don't care by continually posting" kind of way.


Apparently you don't come here much. I was making fun of gigafool's posting. Congrats on being a bimbo though.
Congrats on obsessing much and being predictable. :)

Congrats for being original. No, really. You are being very original. Maybe you should post another witty girly insult by saying you'll put a facial mask on like me! OH HO HO HO HO! IMMA C U BOUT SHAVIN' MAH LEGS!!!!
xcursion holy god shut the fuck up

how do you get entertainment out of people thinking you're just a creepy little shit, including the people you're supposedly trolling

you're not even getting under her skin and you still keep going
