[Simplified New Method] Are you a racist?

"I for example would avoid Dorchester Ma at night, because the Black Community there has a lot of crime."

being smart is racist
This is true today because the definition of racism has changed over time and everyone uses different metrics to define racism in their own way. So I what consider to be racist may be very different from what you or someone else defines as being racist.

Personally I don’t consider myself racist. When I work in the field, I make no assumptions of who I’m dealing with because of ethnicity or color. I am there to help them in any way that I can. From my experience working at 100’s of different companies all over the country, race and ethnicity really doesn’t matter. I don’t see a race or ethnicity better than another. Now I work in manufacturing and my contact is generally with the lead machine operators. I don’t deal with upper management so I can only judge what I am exposed to.

Now where you may consider me being racist, even if I don’t, I do believe most of the large inner city families are broken. I for example would avoid Dorchester Ma at night, because the Black Community there has a lot of crime. Does this make me racist? I admit at minimum it makes me prejudice and I ok with being prejudice, which I believe is a necessary human defense mechanism.

Ask me why it’s broken? I believe social programs have destroyed the healthy family infrastructure with well intentioned handouts. I do not know any short term fixes for it. The long term fix would require getting as many people back to work as possible.

I'll pick on one continent: If you can recognize the difference between East Asian, Arab, and Western European people, you're already racist. I'm not saying you think Arabs are a superior race to Mongolians, I'm saying that you probably have some preconceptions, even if they are at a subconscious level.

Even if you were educated in US public schools, you probably know that statistically, an Afghani kid in a tribal village is likely to be a decent horseman, and probably better than a Parisian kid of the same age that plays club football. It's more likely that an Arab of similar age is going to be Muslim, and that another kid of similar age from South Korea is going to be good at math and Starcraft or whatever.

As soon as you look at these different humans, it's likely those preconceptions will surface quickly, even if it's not at an active and conscious level.

At this very basic level, racism and stereotypes save time. *shrug*
I'll pick on one continent: If you can recognize the difference between East Asian, Arab, and Western European people, you're already racist. I'm not saying you think Arabs are a superior race to Mongolians, I'm saying that you probably have some preconceptions, even if they are at a subconscious level.

Even if you were educated in US public schools, you probably know that statistically, an Afghani kid in a tribal village is likely to be a decent horseman, and probably better than a Parisian kid of the same age that plays club football. It's more likely that an Arab of similar age is going to be Muslim, and that another kid of similar age from South Korea is going to be good at math and Starcraft or whatever.

As soon as you look at these different humans, it's likely those preconceptions will surface quickly, even if it's not at an active and conscious level.

At this very basic level, racism and stereotypes save time. *shrug*

I know today that’s considered racist, and probably the dictionary would agree, but I was brought up to understanding that that was being prejudice not racist. Being racist to me is when you act upon your prejudices to hold someone or a community down. I believe experience can help to change one’s prejudices.

I strongly believe racism is thriving today because of both the media and our politicians of both parties. Both of these groups thrive on a divided America, which is why I will never again vote for a member of either party, until they change (not in my lifetime)
I know today that’s considered racist, and probably the dictionary would agree, but I was brought up to understanding that that was being prejudice not racist. Being racist to me is when you act upon your prejudices to hold someone or a community down. I believe experience can help to change one’s prejudices.

I strongly believe racism is thriving today because of both the media and our politicians of both parties. Both of these groups thrive on a divided America, which is why I will never again vote for a member of either party, until they change (not in my lifetime)

I get the Heinrich Himmler definition, which is probably the most extreme-- if you're this race, we schedule you for extermination, and that stands opposed to the very mild one that I described.

I really do believe that football (soccer, whatever) fans throwing bananas on the field because the opposing goalkeeper is from Cameroon isn't as much racist as it is rabid fans trying to get a rise out of somebody, and just make things more rowdy.
Personally I don’t consider myself racist. When I work in the field, I make no assumptions of who I’m dealing with because of ethnicity or color.

Me either, unless they are Indians b/c they are all a bunch of lying, responsibility dodging assholes.