[Simplified New Method] Are you a racist?

No I didn't. You can't read. For the avoidance of any doubt...


oh i can read, bro. i can read into it EXACTLY what you were trying to get across.

now, if you would have said, "No other race or gender can be racist? that's just fucking dumb." then you would have been spot on, but instead you only mentioned that white females can be racist too, like white males.

so you're fucking dumb.

oh i can read, bro. i can read into it EXACTLY what you were trying to get across.

now, if you would have said, "No other race or gender can be racist? that's just fucking dumb." then you would have been spot on, but instead you only mentioned that white females can be racist too, like white males.

so you're fucking dumb.


Cool that you can read, so then it's the comprehension and logic that have you all fucked. Allow me to make this easy for you with a really simple analogy that, based on past experience, you will almost certainly be unable to grasp...

Brasstax: Grass is the only thing that's green.
Mitchdubai: So are you saying limes are not green ?
Havax: LOL Mitch thinks only grass and limes are green, what a retard HURR DURR DURR.

See? Also, why did you take issue with your poor interpretation of my post, and not with the OP? Is it because you're a bandwagon-jumping simpleton who's constantly raging and because Trump lost?

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No. I am saying white females cannot be considered racist by current social standards. Only white males are considered racist. Women have vaginal immunity.

Also, Mitch thinks only whites can be racist! :lol:

Get it straight, dipshit.
No. I am saying white females cannot be considered racist by current social standards. Only white males are considered racist. Women have vaginal immunity.

Also, Mitch thinks only whites can be racist! :lol:

Get it straight, dipshit.

i've been trying to explain this to him, and he just doesn't get it lol
Learn to pronounce
not generous; stingy.
"serving out the rations with a niggardly hand"
miserly parsimonious close-fisted penny-pinching cheeseparing penurious grasping greedy avaricious Scroogelike ungenerous illiberal close mean stingy mingy tight tightfisted money grubbing money-grabbing cheap near
vulgar slangtight-arsed tight-assed
in a stingy or meager manner.
Didn't someone in congress use 'niggardly' in a press statement or something a few years back and everyone lost their minds?
Learn to pronounce

not generous; stingy.
"serving out the rations with a niggardly hand"
miserly parsimonious close-fisted penny-pinching cheeseparing penurious grasping greedy avaricious Scroogelike ungenerous illiberal close mean stingy mingy tight tightfisted money grubbing money-grabbing cheap near
vulgar slangtight-arsed tight-assed

in a stingy or meager manner.

I have been aware of the "nigger :negro: definition".

One thing I do not know is how this adjective became an ethnic/racial slur.

. > :Hmm: <
Everyone is racist to some degree; it's not a matter of if a person is, it's how much.

Alex, I'll take Things racists say for $500.
What is "There is not a racist bone in my body."
As a black conservative male I don't see the color of the officer beating me in the head for not being white therefor racism does not exist.
Everyone is racist to some degree; it's not a matter of if a person is, it's how much.

Alex, I'll take Things racists say for $500.
What is "There is not a racist bone in my body."

No...really its a matter of the race of the person being called a racist.
Everyone is racist to some degree; it's not a matter of if a person is, it's how much.

Alex, I'll take Things racists say for $500.
What is "There is not a racist bone in my body."

This is true today because the definition of racism has changed over time and everyone uses different metrics to define racism in their own way. So I what consider to be racist may be very different from what you or someone else defines as being racist.

Personally I don’t consider myself racist. When I work in the field, I make no assumptions of who I’m dealing with because of ethnicity or color. I am there to help them in any way that I can. From my experience working at 100’s of different companies all over the country, race and ethnicity really doesn’t matter. I don’t see a race or ethnicity better than another. Now I work in manufacturing and my contact is generally with the lead machine operators. I don’t deal with upper management so I can only judge what I am exposed to.

Now where you may consider me being racist, even if I don’t, I do believe most of the large inner city families are broken. I for example would avoid Dorchester Ma at night, because the Black Community there has a lot of crime. Does this make me racist? I admit at minimum it makes me prejudice and I ok with being prejudice, which I believe is a necessary human defense mechanism.

Ask me why it’s broken? I believe social programs have destroyed the healthy family infrastructure with well intentioned handouts. I do not know any short term fixes for it. The long term fix would require getting as many people back to work as possible.